Showing Posts For Xenite.7418:

Pace of new content - TOO FAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


You people need to stop being so obsessed with not getting everything done…. really who cares at the end of the day. Five years from now how many event achievements you obtained isn’t going to mean anything more then it does today.

That being said, I think the real problem with the current content is it’s ‘event’ quality. People want REAL static content added to the game. Instead we are getting content with a mob mentality. Run around the map in a horde trying to tag as much as possible, rinse and repeat. It’s just not fun anymore.

Then you have the issue with the developers being overly obsessed with adding platformer content like jumping puzzles and adventure box. This game is in dire need of some new ‘vanilla’ MMO content. We have huge areas of map they could be expanding upon, they need to get moving and interest is starting to drop.

Told my buddy he won't get world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Tying PVP and PVE achievements is a colossal mistake. All it does is piss off the pve players by forcing them to pvp and then the pvp get hosed with a bunch of players who have no interest in pvp, simply running around looking to finish achievements so they can bail.

WoW has this issue and still isn’t fixed. Every event cycle people join BG’s for achievements, then bail 2 minutes in or once they complete them.

Where are all the Black Lion Keys?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Finding keys isn’t the intent, they want players buying them. Simple really.

Decreased movement speed during combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


If you stopped every time you got into combat in Orr you would never make it five steps. So that argument is beyond silly.

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


A lot of the time I just want to do my own thing, I don’t mind grouping for specific tasks though. To be honest I don’t mainly play MMO’s for grouping, I just enjoy the dynamically changing content that you can’t find in single player games. Some people can’t seem to wrap their minds around that though.

The multi-guild system & why guilds are pointless.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I love the feature, I think the real problem is to many guilds have no sense of quality when they recruit members. If you go around picking up trash, then soon you have a lot of trash.

So many guilds will recruit anyone and everyone. Have some standards BEFORE they are in your guild.

Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


It’s always inevitable that you have someone come along, whip out their kitten and tell everyone just how awesome they are in these threads.

Orr isn’t challenging, and it sure in hell isn’t fun for most people. It’s just badly designed and it’s problems are exasperated by the bad respawn timing.

Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


My wife finally got there last night, I knew it would be ugly. I sit quietly in my chair listening to a 45 minute diatribe on how badly the areas are designed.

I had warned her, she was not prepared.

I now avoid them like a sailor on leave avoids the “cheap” cat-house.

Why were dungeons added to the monthly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Yeah well, I don’t want to PVP. Nor do I think it should be tied to monthly’s.

Poster on the Lion's Arch Bank [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Well they keep talking about a one time event, would make sense to up scale people so they won’t miss it.

I refuse to buy Black Lion Keys

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Except the permanent items have as bad or worse drop rate as the Halloween items.

Personally I think they need to add a lot of more items to the drop tables of the chests to make them more appealing.

I’m done spending cash on a couple of crappy tonics and a 30 minute buff.

Server Transfer 1 per 7 Days. Instead of 1 Per 1 Day.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


To be honest I have yet to see a MMO where server vs server pvp worked in a balanced fashion. Certain high population servers tend to dominate the others, this was not really addressed in this game and the daily server transfers only made it worse.

What ppl mean by endgame is ....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I would be having loads more fun ‘exploring’ if the content was actually solo-able.

I can’t tell you how many events I have stumbled upon, and would of had fun doing if they could actually be completed. But if nobody else is around many of the level 80 events are just impossible to solo, all because of the terrible respawn rates.

Farming Cursed Shore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


lol google plinx…. perhaps not the best idea for some.

What ppl mean by endgame is ....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I could care less about gear progression, I just want fun distractions and right now GW2 is horribly short on them. And the few that we have are dragged down by bad respawn rates, overly packed creatures and lame difficulty levels.

The emulation of difficulty.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Sadly what makes this game difficult is the near instant respawns and over spawning.

It’s a cheap way (and lame) to add difficulty.

End game (you must unlearn what you have learned)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


New dungeons isn’t the answer, the game already has several and people are not running them as much as they should. That is mostly Arena’s fault as they have made it overly difficult to find groups and actually complete them once you do.

Regardless throwing new dungeons or raids at people is not the answer. It’s what WoW does every expansion and it’s old and tired. If I wanted to raid I would go back to WoW.

We need fresh ideas for end game activity’s.

End game (you must unlearn what you have learned)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


True, but even taking your time has it’s limits. You can only create so many characters and I must admit, the end game is fairly lacking.

Doing level 80 events and exploring would be fun, but because of the insane spawn rates and density of creatures, it’s just not much fun trying to do anything outside of a group.

PVP is fine, but it’s just not my thing, so nope there.

Fact remains is they need to address end game and soon.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


You come to a game knowing it doesn’t have world pvp and then kitten it doesn’t have pvp servers?

World pvp is nothing but a low level gank fest be socially inept people anyways, no thanks.

Cost of waypoints [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Charging to port was an ill conceived idea anyways, free ports means people are more likely to get out and do events. High costs means people are less likely to jump into an announced event.

Too much emphasis on jumping puzzles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Sadly most of the hidden areas (like to goonies pirate ship) require insane jumping puzzles.

Creating an Anti-Botting Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Actually it’s pretty kitten easy to spot bots over actual players farming. Bots move and act in a synthetic way that actual players do not.

Clock Tower discriminates against keyboard turners

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Sadly many MMO’s give an advantage to mouse over keyboard. Like the turn rate being slower… why? No apparent reason whatsoever, just bad design.

Names reserved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I really have no clue what’s up with the names in this game. Names I have used for over a decade, some truly unique and virtually all were taken.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


No factions mean no enemy, so your just killing people to be a dick. Griefers gonna grief… but not in this game. ;-)

Why I think teleport costs are unreasonably hight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


My biggest complaint is that the prices are unbalanced. I can go across that map for almost the same cost as going across a single zone. And it should NEVER cost money to TP after a death, repair costs are enough.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xenite.7418


5 keys, I got squat… ohh well. So instead I spent the rest of the $20 of gems on an extra character slot. :P

I do think the odds should of been a bit higher, like 10-15%

All they have accomplished is leaving a bad taste in their customers mouths, many will be MUCH less likely to buy them in the future.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I will say another issues is bots, the artificial numbers on occasion makes events scale up believing their are more people in the area.

End game content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Except it’s hard to enjoy a lot of the events because of spawn and mob issues. So many events are just to packed with creatures that respawn almost instantly. I’ve had to walk away from dozens of events because nobody else was around and they were impossible to complete.

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Respawn and over-spawned areas are really putting a crimp in my enjoyment of the game. NPC says go retake this town, ok except nobody else is around and the mobs are in packs of 5. You can’t even whittle them down because they respawn before you can even take them out.

In another event the enemies respawn so fast you cannot revive the dead workers to patch up the houses. Or I kill a veteran drake to get into the cave to stop a ritual and as soon as I walk in the cave the veteran has spawned again behind me.

Most of the time I just move on, unable to do the events because of how heavily packed the area is with enemies who respawn a few seconds after you kill them.

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenite.7418


The idea of a free market is a myth anyways, no true free market exists. Look at the US economy which everyone calls a free market, but in reality is full of cronyism and collusion.

Corporations collude to keep product prices high, market managers scheme how to bend financial rules to make an extra buck. Lobbyists buy politicians to pass legislation to give them an unfair market advantage, generic drugs and ethanol embargo’s are a perfect example.

Whenever you open an economy that isn’t highly regulated you get chaos and corruption.

Crystal Desert shows their Pink Day Pride!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Uhmm wasn’t pink day supposed to be Oct. 26?

Cool thing, but just wondering if you wasn’t a little early.

Is Joining Multiple Guilds an Accepted Feature by Guilds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


It’s a terrific idea actually, allows you to join a smaller less active guild that may have friends. But at the same time you can also join a larger one that into WvW and such.

One Word - Endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I would love to see some new ideas for “end game” content. To be honest, I could care less about raids. I am beyond sick of raiding, it’s just the same schlock over and over again, I want something new.

Would love to see competitive mini-games inside GW2. How fun would an organized Keg Brawl league be?!? I want to see content like that for a change.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Just hit 70 and tried Battle for Fort Trinity and it has bugged out on me as well.

Everything seems to go fine to begin with, I got to the lumber camp and the undead attack, defeat them then it says to defend the main gate. After killing all the undead, nothing happens…. it just stalls out.

The only peculiar thing I noticed was the group of four soldiers that leave from the lumber camp towards the gate, when they get there they just stand around, they don’t fight or move…. even when stuff was hitting them.

Finally, I exited and tried the whole event over from the start, same outcome. So I am basically stuck on my story and can do nothing….

are the respawn rates intentional?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Since mob tagging is obsolete in GW2, simply no need for spawns to be so quick. I had an event the other night that was impossible to complete because as soon as you killed the pack a new one was already spawning. Had zero chance to get the npc’s up and keep them alive.

Why do bosses have so much health?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


They’re unable to script a fight properly, or they don’t want to because it might discourage all the little kids playing this game, so instead they give really high HP to some mobs and called them “bosses”. But anyone who played a real MMORPG knows perfectly well that those “bosses” are a total joke.

Dude, I doubt many kids have the skill to stay alive on many of those encounters, specially if you become the focus of somethings attacks. I’ve seen so many players just stand in-front of something, beating on it like it’s WoW and they get face planted in the dirt because they don’t avoid it’s special attacks.

A good player will kite something, but again who wants to kite a mob around for 20+ minutes with virtually no reward? I’ve done it a few times already and it’s dull as hell, it’s to the point where if I see “group event” I just skip it.

Why do bosses have so much health?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


They have crossed the realm of challenging into ridiculous when it comes to “bosses” on many occasions.

Even the quick event mini-bosses (for lack of a better word) are fairly lame. Kite something around for 20 minutes and get no reward. Sorry but it’s just not worth the hassle for a pittance of karma.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


I think one of the major problems people have is that they come into the game and play it like WoW. Best advice I could give someone is to come into GW2 as if you have never played an MMO before, learn to experience and play the game for what it is, not what you think it will be.

Just STOP it!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Because that’s just what we need, price fixing. When corporations do it, it’s called illegal and it’s for a reason. Don’t cry just because some undercuts you, it’s called a free market.

Botting, yes, another thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


No point on making a thread, they have been deleting all the bot complaints. =/

How does aggro work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xenite.7418


First the creature rolls a 20 sided pair of dice. If the number is even and the moon is in winter solstice, they then draw a random card from a deck of 754 and divide that by the number of players in the zone.

The creature then judges you by visual looks and decides if you remind them of their mother, if you do and they have a mommy complex they then attack you. If not and you are wearing yellow and it’s not a Tuesday, then you are safe.

Or something like that….

Why the need to make everyone PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


When it comes to MMO design a smart company will completely separate pve and pvp aspects in design. What I mean is a company should look to make a complete pve experience and a complete pvp experience that can stand alone on their own.

If not they are only limiting their player base. I don’t mind pvp, my wife despises it and will not participate in it at all. My game shouldn’t feel more complete than hers, that’s just silly.

Some personal story parts need to be toned down.(SPOILERS)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Xenite.7418


If I had one complaint about the game, it’s the personal story difficulty level. A good portion of the instances are just tuned way to difficult. I’ve had to help my wife on numerous occasions with her story, and it’s been a huge source of frustration for her.

I consider myself a fairly advanced player, skill wise. Even I have had some that taxed my playing ability to the limit and I still died multiple times. This morning I helped a guy on his thief story line (where you go rescue your friend and escort him out of town) he had died several times and was about ready to call it quits.

It’s also wildly unbalanced depending on your class, I have less trouble on a guardian/warrior, but struggle on casters/thief.