Showing Posts For XiosDeath.5348:
There are only 6 gambits total, so if you beat him without burning and crowd favorite, that’s only 4 :O
I actually found this boss very easy. S/F is probably the safest bet, with the earth 4/5, water 4, and air 5 providing you with survivability and kiting while you spam air 1/2/3 off cooldown. I used 30/30/0/0/10 while grabbing fire 3/5/12, air 6/10/12 and arcane 5. Utility skills were arcane power/arcane blast/armor of earth, and finally me elite was hounds of balthazar.
Before queing up, make sure all attunements and skills are off cd, and start in fire. As soon as you enter, summon the hounds and spam every fire skill. Quickly go to air and use 1 full air 1 channel while using 2/3 during the channel. Hop on earth and use 4/2/3 and then 5. You should have air up again if you crit, so do another air 1 channel while you wait for 2/3 to come off cd and use them again. Now you can either hop to water for the healing and kite/daze (with GoEH, you have a lot of regen) or if you think you can finish, jump to fire again and spam the skills to stack might, then back to air to finish the job.
Now for some of the more specific points. Arcane blast should be used at every opportunity for extra dps, while arcane power could either be used at the beginning for more up front dmg (in air), or in an emergency using it will cause crits for air to recharge again. Armor of earth should only be used once during the battle towards the end when there are millions of tornadoes flying around. It gives you 8s to dps without being afraid of being permaknocked. You SHOULD be able to dodge most of them for the first part (luck doesn’t hurt either) and then pop the armor for the final dps rotations.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I hope it helps.
P.S. I’m pretty sure the same thing can be done for this boss achievement as well
@TriPlEM – Would you mind elaborating? I don’t see how the greatsword charge and a blink will allow you to kill him fast enough to avoid the OHKO, even if you avoid the first one by not moving at the start.