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HoT: Waste of Money and Time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xoei.1597


You basically pay for the right to farm for the content you thought you were paying for.

Pretty much this. And seeing as I don’t have the patience nor time to farm for Hero Points, nothing has changed for me. All my toons are the same builds, and I feel like I am playing GW2 just the same as I did before HoT. Past expansions weren’t perfect, and thus forgivable, because they all came out free. I expected more of a gratification factor for all types of players considering this was supposed to be: 1) The biggest, most hyped expansion to date, that you also had to pay for. 2) ANet has stated multiple times that they are trying to be different and not make the game a grind. 3) From the what I saw from all the game play footage, it seemed as though everyone would be able to keep their toons as normal, but have the added benefit of being able to use 1 more weapon. I really didn’t expect to have to pay and then grind to get that privilege. Maybe it would have been forgivable had they made it a little easier to obtain. 400 HP too unlock everything is asking a little too much in my opinion.

HoT: Waste of Money and Time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xoei.1597


That need for instant gratification always kinda baffles me…

But I wants it NOW XD
That’s the thing about the hype though, I was very hyped to see the new story and to play the elites. Never did it ever come into my mind that I’d need to work towards them.

That’s kind of the point I’m gearing towards. I didn’t keep up with the hype 24/7 (sue me), but from what I saw and gathered, it seemed to me that there would be classes being able to use new weapons and skills after purchasing HoT immediately. It didn’t occur to me that I would have to work towards having that privilege. Being as I don’t play often enough to work towards said goal, I don’t see myself getting the benefits of HoT to its full potential, and thus, feel as though I upgraded for nothing. All my toons are sitting there as indifferent as they were before HoT.

HoT: Waste of Money and Time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xoei.1597


I totally understand that some people feel as though the new weapon specializations did not need to be instantly available, but as many others have stated, the fact that you need 400 Hero Points to completely unlock all the new abilities is going about things the wrong way. As I said, I consider myself a casual player, and I don’t consider this expansion to be friendly towards casual players like myself. I do wholeheartedly regret pre-ordering the expansion, but I did put my faith in ANet considering they have stated multiple times before Guild Wars 2 came out that it wouldn’t feel like a grind. Well, it does. This is just icing on the old grind-cake. I just feel like I was cheated out of my money to invest in something that was very much hyped. Hopefully they will change the system, otherwise, I will be taking a break for a while until something does change.

HoT: Waste of Money and Time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xoei.1597


“Never preorder” – Confucius

Words of wisdom.

HoT: Waste of Money and Time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xoei.1597


Had I known that after purchasing HoT you wouldn’t even get the full experience due to locks on mastery skills and what have you, I would have never purchased it. I really don’t want to have to horde Hero Points. I was really expecting to be able to use the new content right off the bat, considering I spent a considerable amount of money on the expansion. When I logged on and saw that I still couldn’t use any of the new weapons for any of my classes, then noticed that you have to grind Hero Points to gain access to such feature, I immediately felt that I just wasted money on something for nothing. Especially since I am a casual player. Sorry, but it’s just not the right thing to do in my opinion, and I feel like I have to rant about it. If you’re going to lock the content, at least make it easier to access.

[Suggestion] Charr with GW1 posture

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xoei.1597


Oh my GOD! They look so much better in GW1. Wtf?! If they looked like that in GW2 I would play Charrs more often.

Balthazar’s Regalia outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xoei.1597


I don’t even understand WHY these armors have to be outfits. I want to mix and match, not look like everyone else. Sure it looks amazing, but loses its appeal after I see it on every other person. Outfits should be festive only. I am in disappoint.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xoei.1597


Having an instrument played as a macro is just having hotkeys pushed as a preset script. I’m not sure how this is unfair to anyone in the game. A lot of the macros sound amazing IMO, and generally enhance the gameplay experience. If anything, I think ANet should add an in-game feature that allows instruments to be played as a preset. And for the people that “shower” the instrumentalists in gold… Well that’s their choice.