Showing Posts For Xprez.7130:

New backpack upgrade slot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Yes, i would also like to know what we can and/or are supposed to be able to put in that slot…

Bug: Typing Dwayna in TP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Crashing to desktop when typing “rune” in the search box on the TP.

MF items NOT account bound but soulbound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Well, me and my gf are altaholics (12-13 each) and this has turned into a farse. We don’t play this great game anymore, wich is sad. We spent a great deal rl money on this and this is the thanks we get. To be treated like this, like worthless scum, is beyond either of our understanding. I hope for their own sake, they do something about this, cause things like this is going to make the customers go away.

Suggestion: WHat we all should do, is to open a ticket with this. If everyone does it and keep dooing it until they give us the proper answer and action, i think they will get their heads straight.

Intermittent 500 Internal Server Error

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Xprez.7130


502 – Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it received an invalid response from the content server.

Same here, 90 % of the time. But hey, they don’t listen to us anyway…

MF items NOT account bound but soulbound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130



This issue actually took away a big chunk of my motivation to play this great game.

MF items NOT account bound but soulbound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130



Want anymore of my money Anet? Then fix this!

MF items NOT account bound but soulbound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


I love your game Anet and i’m usually a forgiving guy, but between these mf account-bound lies and you denying me to purchase gems….. I’ve lost interest in this game, so i’ll be taking my money elsewhere (not stopping playing, but paying). Suggest the rest of you ppl do the same, cause that’s the only language they seem to understand.

Bauble Bubble changes?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Once per day per account…..

Why do people want to win the event?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Xprez.7130


shhh… don’t say it to anyone! It will be our litle secret.

Why do people want to win the event?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Xprez.7130


No. No you don’t. Don’t lie to people. You get one more bag/box each. That’s it and that’s assuming your map has made it to the final phase. I’ve failed/won enough to know.

Don’t know where you’re playing or getting your numbers from…. I go from 2 of each box on a fail, to 5 boxes of each type on a win….

Radiant Gloves + Stealth = Squares for hands

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Yes, there are many graphical bugs with the new skins… all of them… using spectral walk on Necro causes them to show as boubles of squares… even the backpieces.

Superior sigil of battle bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Bump…. anyone?

Superior sigil of battle bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


UPDATE: So, i basically unequiped the one dagger with one of the sigils of battle, and presto, as fast as it’s allowed to swap weapons, it triggers. In other words, you apparently can’t use 2 sigils of battle on 2 set of weapons… can someone up the chains confirm this? says nothing on it on the tip of the sigils and can’t find anything on it elsewhere…

Superior sigil of battle bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


I have testet it and it does not work as intended. Even though i just entered combat, it will not trigger, so this is not working properly. Please devs, fix this…

Superior sigil of battle bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


One weapon set is axe/warhorn and the other is dagger/dagger. On axe i have sigil of bloodlust, and on warhorn i have sigil of battle. The same for dagger/dagger, i.e. sigil of bloodlust on one of them and sigil of battle on the other…. no CD on those as far as i know…

Superior sigil of battle bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130



Have 2 Superior sigils of battle on one of my chars, one on each swap but they mostly do not trigger when swapping weapons in combat… Any ideas to why? Just spent 10 gold on these, to find out they don’t work… so a bit lame.

Server: RoF

Content temporarily disabled?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Happens now and then…. No spesial occasion, can be when just killed a mob, just completed an event etc… Same msg as stated by other in this thread.



Game freezes after last patch. (28-may)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Same for me and my gf too… Happens alot, sound and mouse cursor is not affected, but the screen turns black, and i have to pop out to windows and close the game.


Core i7 960 @ 4ghz
12 gb 1600 Dominator RAM
Gainward GTX 690
250 GB OCZ Agility 3 SSD
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

No warning about ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xprez.7130


I have opened a ticket for this issue and I really hope Anet will help me out here. I would be happy to receive a refund and buy the other ring or simply have the rings swapped out.

Good luck with that… Please let us know if they DO refund or swap out the rings… They’ve actually told us they don’t have any tools for refunding / swapping etc in-game items and/or currency…..

(edited by Xprez.7130)

Mouse/Cursor color

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xprez.7130


I really have to agree on this subject. The mouse cursor is “lost” during combat and i have a hard time finding it sometimes. And, when using ground targeting (as i play necro alot, with marks) it is extremely annoying to say the least. Suddenly your placing a mark /spell 50 meters outside the combat area. Please, do as this favor to change the size and / or color of the cursor.

In my opinion, this game requires too much grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xprez.7130


The fun part of this discussion, is that you could have been half-way to a Legendary, if you spent the time in-game instead of “in-forum”…

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Well, I can start with Orr and the loot there. It’s great actually! After jan. 28th update it has yielded much loot, both rare/exotic/master, aswell as coin directly.

However(!), elsewhere the loot is sh***! After the latest patches mentioned above, farming other places for mats and lodestones are, how should i put it, a turn-off! When you make a game like this, please have in mind that farming is a big part of this. As someone mentioned above, it’s pointless to try and get a Legendary, it would take 3-4 years to get it (in my opinion). This because the same things put in action to stop bots, are stopping us, your typical gamer, at getting the things we need to craft our legendaries. Yes, there’s Dungeons and WvW, PvP etc…. But those are another topic to be honest. I don’t feel like running Dungeons or WvW, to get my Legendery, atleast not when it feels like you are forcing me to do it. If(!) i want to, i should be able to yes, but don’t force me to do something i feel is not related to farming. Heck, let’s call it “collecting” or “hunting” for mats. “Farming” seems so “bottish”, but it’s actually something i enjoy doing, running around and killing stuff, and getting paid to do so. So please, don’t take away my payment.

EDIT: As an last note… Farming for corrupted lodestones used to be fun, I’d get 1-2 an hour… Now, I’ve got that same amount (1-2) in total since patch…. (and yes, i’ve farmed the sam amount of time, going elsewhere for DR reset etc).

(edited by Xprez.7130)

Trade Post Bug

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xprez.7130


Well, there are many issues with the TP. We are several ppl that have trouble atleast once a day to purchase or sell stuff there, says “error selling the goods” or something like that. Other times it says something like “check your internet connection”….. ?! Emm… I’m logged in, should not have to check that then… lol…

Anyways, hope you can look into this.

wood chests dropped from mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


I have to agree with the ones saying it’s a bad thing. The chest are way to small and they take forever to appear. Either make them larger and make them spawn at once the mobs are killed, or just take them away and make it like it was.

waypoints show as contested when in other map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


This only happens when you are in the overflow in LA.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xprez.7130


This has happened to me 2 alot. Even after turning down the quality on the sound.

C’mon Anet! 3 months and still no fix??? I like your game, but this is starting to make you look like amateurs and making me think you are related to Wargaming (World Of Tanks). I’ve stopped playing that game just because of things like this, so have many of my friends. I think you see where i’m going with this. We are many people that really like/love your game, but we can only take so much.

Norskt Guild søker flere medlemmer!

in Guilds

Posted by: Xprez.7130



Kreyc søker flere medlemmer!

Vi er et forholdsvis nytt Norskt Guild, som søker flere spillere! Ingen andre krav enn at Du er voksen og kan oppføre deg blant medspillere.

Ta kontakt for mer info.

Med vennlig hilsen,
