Showing Posts For Xproject.1425:

Daoc Vs Gw2

in WvW

Posted by: Xproject.1425


To all in this thread who miss those days of DAOC , please go and support the kickstarter for Camelot Unchained!!!.

Favorite thing about DAOC was the guild cloaks and unity in RvR. Chat spam in PVE Land when any of the keeps were taken in the frontiers. Chat spam when one of your guild’s claimed keeps was under attack and by how many in the area. Stealther wars and stealthers providing intell to the zerg. Jeez, perma stealth in general.. bring it back , it can still be done correctly. Hard CC’s, hard interupts, speed classes… too much to go on about.

One problem with Asura... Tiny weapons!

in Asura

Posted by: Xproject.1425


I strongly support this idea. I just recently started up a new Asura Ranger and it’s pretty disappointing seeing the weapon scaling on them. I may just disregard him entirely and choose a human. I was making a tribute character to the Dark age of camelot race – the “Lurikeen”. Daoc did not seem to have this scaling problem with their “tiny” races and they had 3 different ones in each realm. Anet please consider some adjustments here! The Chris Whiteside AMA on reddit said it would be looked into, but that was 5 months ago!

Why Skin Wardrobe should be a high-priority

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xproject.1425


This system already exists to some degree in sPVP. I full support this thread and it should be carried over into PVE.

Looking for a nice looking staff skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xproject.1425


The Crossing and the scythe skin from Halloween are pretty awesome in my opinion (if you were fortunate to obtain either).

The Halloween Music Theme is Brilliant

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xproject.1425


Here is the soundcloud link that ArenaNet posted on their facebook yesterday. The complete versions of the two Halloween tracks. They really are awesome!

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xproject.1425


as the title says, what about all the tonics I’ve acquired that are not mystery tonics but are named specific creature tonics. Will those work in acquiring the new halloween chests?