Showing Highly Rated Posts By XxTAFxX.6741:

Plz make zaltian story dungeon soloable.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


Impossible to do this now as no one wants to do it.
It would be better to start as we we mean to go on and able to solo it like the other story modes.

I have many chars that needs to complete it,but i have better things to do with my time than stand around for hours trying to find ppl only to join then leave 5 mins later because they cannot wait for more ppl.
It would not hurt the game if we could solo it tbh,it’s stupid to do all that work only to but stuck on the last hurtle.
it feels like i’v been punished because i done most of the story mode only to be stuck on the last story.

For groups we have the dungeons where you get different paths,difficulty much harder also armour tokens and other rewards.
Also players only want to do that part anyway.