Showing Highly Rated Posts By Yinello.7068:
I don’t understand, so do RP’ers want to be completely isolated from non RP’ers? I mean, all this does is make each map fuller with people from other home worlds who are on the same map at the time (at least that’s what I understood from the blog). Your RP pals will still be there and if they aren’t… wouldn’t the map be completely empty? Why not have it bustling with other adventurers?
From what I have seen, it’s difficult to have a lot of non-RPers and RPers together in an area because they clash. Right now we have an unofficial server so non-RPers who guest there can expect people to make long sentences while chatting, walking instead of running and basically acting as if we’re on stage. The great thing about this is that it brings about a lot of immersion, as if you’re actually in the world. If I were to RP on a different server, I’d get “lol whats ur gear” – comments that would break RP immersion. A few people aren’t so bad but a whole group is quite difficult. We don’t need a full map, we love having a small group that work together.
I welcome anyone but I’d love to keep my RP alive.
(edited by Yinello.7068)
I love them. Marjory, Kasmeer, Rox, Braham, Taimi, Heal-o-Tron… I want to see them all again.
It makes me sad that for a LEGENDARY armor, I don’t have a unique race-specific skin, I have to settle with either the female or male version of the human armor. I can’t see myself putting in all the effort just so I can dress up like a human again.
I’m a big fan of feminine armor on Asura so I wouldn’t mind keeping what we have if we flattened the top but seeing as that choice is probably not one that might happen, I fall in the ’don’t care’ camp.
Or give us an in-game choice. So many people will be happy if you gave them the choice instead of choosing for them instead.
edit: made a crappy edit to show a flattened Asura top.
(edited by Yinello.7068)
This would be awesome. I can imagine Trahearne turning villian because he’s lost now that he’s completed his Wyld Hunt.
I usually don’t like fishing because most games implement a waiting time during cast rod and catch fish. I admit, I’m very impatient. :P Still I love the idea of an Oyster farm.
Wow confusing merge. Anyway, I agree with the sentiment that megaservers aren’t needed in the cities. That would solve a whole lot of problems.
The problem I have with Trahearne is that I just can’t seem to empathize with him.
It was so easy with Sieran, Tybalt and Forgath – in just a few quests, I’d learn that they were quirky or silly or serious and that they’d have strength and weaknesses or that they really wanted to be something or lost something… A bond was formed because I knew a bit of who they were. And they also felt like a friend, making jokes about things (apples!) or getting into misschief and the like.
Trahearne feels distant. I’m not his friend, I’m just a colleague who’s working with him and that’s it. He never makes a joke and I don’t know if he has any hobbies or silly quirks. After the job is done, we have nothing left to do together. And considering I have to be with this guy for quite a long time, that can feel quite annoying.
Long story short, Trahearne needs more depth. But I don’t hate him.
(edited by Yinello.7068)
There are so many games where there are always way more men than women as main characters. I like that for once there are more women. If they add more characters, they should have a reason to be there, not just because people are not used to seeing less men running around.
You know what at least in my eyes seems absurd?
The fact that unlocked dyes can’t be used in Hair accessories :CCCC
Why is this even an issue?
This makes me sad too… ;.;