Showing Posts For Youou.4271:
I’m glad to hear that Thank you one more time
Thanks for answer! I really appreciate the comparison between Verdant Brink and Dry Top / Silverwastes.
I would also love to hear from someone who has a slightly worse PC than Straylight. I myself have about 30 FPS on high settings in SIlverwastes.
Hello guys!
I was just wondering how was your fps during previous beta events on the newest HoT map Verdant Brink. Did it drop?
I think I have a decent PC and I’m running the game on high. I like my settings how they are right now and wouldn’t want to change them just because of the expansion…
Will the price be dependable on the country you live in?
I’m not much of a person that buys a lot of PC games so I’m not sure how does it work with most of them but I remember that when Diablo 3 RoS came out, it was possible to buy it for a much lower price in Polish Zloty currency than in Euro (I believe it’s mostly because people from Poland don’t spend that much money on games and 40€ would be simply too much for them).
(edited by Youou.4271)
If it’s above 20$ then I guess it’s not worth it
This one is mine. Also I wanted to encourage you to visit…
This site (it’s a link to my profile) <click>
It’s great for people that find pleasure in viewing a good looking characters and for those that seek help in creating their own ‘image’
(edited by Youou.4271)
The rest of the message is written in Polish language.
Jak w temacie, dwóch graczy szuka polskojezycznej gildii.
Jestesmy zainteresowani glównie rozgrywke PvE (fractale, world bossy i od czasu do czasu dungi), ale i nie pogardzimy trybem WvWvW, czy tez PvP.
Gramy przewaznie po kilka godzin dziennie. Oboje posiadamy po kilka postaci na 80 poziomie. Do konca tego tygodnia bedziemy w stanie robic fractale na 50 lvlu. Nasze postacie znajduj? si? na serwerze Seafarer’s Rest, ale serwer gildii jest nam oboj?tny.
Szukamy gildii, której czlonkowie sa chetni na wspólna gre, aktywni i w miare dojrzali (poczucie humoru mile widziane). Im gildia bogatsza w tego typu osoby, tym lepiej.
Osoby, które bylyby chetne na przyjecie nas do gildii, prosze o post tutaj, badz wiadomosc w grze.
(edited by Youou.4271)