Showing Posts For Zanko.9801:

Comprehensive List of Desired QoL Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zanko.9801


As a colorblind dude, I strongly need #14. Red rings on green grass or orange cage? yeah…

And Suddently: WvW is not "Balanced PvP"

in WvW

Posted by: Zanko.9801


Edited Title: was “WvW is not PvP”

And Suddently: WvW is not "Balanced PvP"

in WvW

Posted by: Zanko.9801


Yeah, I understand all of your opinions and find them pretty accurate, but since I think there are a lot fo players like me that find PvP most enjoyable when it’s pretty much balanced, I really had an enlightment when I realized that I was looking for the wrong things. Call me silly, I’d understand that, was pretty a poor prospective by me, still I found that useful and wanted to highligh it.

EDIT: And, if I can say, I thank you for the time I took from you for this discussion and I’m really glad that GW2 as such a community. Last times I played LoL and for the one who experienced that kind of community being in a constructive environment is such a plasure.

(edited by Zanko.9801)

And Suddently: WvW is not "Balanced PvP"

in WvW

Posted by: Zanko.9801


I totally agree with the above posters, it’s something different and the only thing I wanted to point out is that for the players like me who loves PvP like XvX arenas or something Like Rated BG in WoW, probably they should stop searching in WvW feature that it’s not meant to have.

And Suddently: WvW is not "Balanced PvP"

in WvW

Posted by: Zanko.9801


Sorry, I’ll define better PvP from my PoV.

While the definition of PvP is realted to the possibility of engaging combat with other players, it’s not really PvP if it’s not at least a bit balanced. This comes probably from my long story in WoW as an arena player, far away from being balanced but still a lot more balanced than any PvP aspect of the game actually.

For sure I can call “PvP” ganking a low lvl player 10v1, but if a game gives only this kind of PvP, I wouldn’t dare to say that that particular game has a PvP ascpet inside it.

Stated this, I find WvW not enough balanced to be called PvP, or at least Competitive PvP. Maybe it’s my fault, but when a game company says it want to balance something with a matchmaking system I always think of something “balanced”. But WvW isn’t, so I find myself pretty disappointed because WvW is not what I expected, a PvP Balanced aspect of the game.

And yes, maybe I’m a bit of the cause of my server losing, but I’m not really interested in a match I can’t win if I don’t go around search for some guild that plays in different hours. Tell me really if you think that searching for guilds to play at nighttime is “PvP”. No it’s not, it’s some social interaction, not a “game” (as a classic definition) at all.

(edited by Zanko.9801)

And Suddently: WvW is not "Balanced PvP"

in WvW

Posted by: Zanko.9801


I was reading a lot of this threads about nightcapping and whatsoever, because I’m from FS and found myself stopping queuing WvW ’cause of VS superiority in holding the points at night. This was after I woke up at 6am GMT+2 and found the piechart pretty much all green.

I thought that this should be really addressed by Anet because was a really bad design flaw, then I found a sentence that made my day, and I stopped bothering about the problem at all.
“WvW is not PvP. "

It is not balanced, is not fair at all, is not for casual nor for hardcores, since the first can’t make a real impact and the seconds aren’t allowed to express their full potential due to queues and the fact that the system wants to keep WvW “viable” for casuals. You have to be in a guild, therefore needs social intercation, and this social interaction is what makes or brakes the matches. So it’s basically a social challenge, not a game challenge at all.

So, it’s simply not PvP. And now I understood why I naturally quit this activity. If you’re looking for a sensed PvP challenge, then WvW is not for you, nor for me.

I’m pretty sure that when all the guys interested in PvP leave this discussion, it will die bi itself, considering that it’s impossible to balance a thing at IS NOT MEANT to be balanced. It’s Pve, we all know it a way or another.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Zanko.9801


FS player here, loved WvW, still I don’t queue anymore because how senseless is the situation ATM.

I just think that points earned during nighttime should be scaled with a factor of 1/4 or 1/5. A game must not be something about “stay up until 6am to be competitive”, it’s a GAME. So, when such a feature is so bad designed (It’s not really VS fault, they try to win, nor Canadians or whatsoever is on at night, cause they have also the right to play as they want. It’s just a design flaw).

Why i dislike dungeons, and find them badly designed.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zanko.9801


Oooh, that’s why I loved D3 ACt3-4 Inferno. They teach you the hard way that you cannot take dmg so easily when glass-cannon spec’ed. Instead, here in gw2 I go for CD/PRE/TOU and hardly die in most of explorables. Considering that pve-wise explorables are the hardest thing we can go though, I don’t find them broken at all.
Comparing it to Wow, we wiped down something like 100 times to Rangnaros Hero when it was relased (the Cataclysm one) but we were all “Well, it’s the hardest thing in this game, it MUST be difficult and hard to learn”. You cannot expect to go into high-level content and learn it the first 10 tries. And that’s a current problem with some explorables imho, they arekittentoo easy.

Khilbron's light armor set?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zanko.9801


Much interested in this as well, if anyone knows the answer it would be great!