Showing Posts For Zeeran.6027:


in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeeran.6027


Hey Necro friends,

To all you Minion Masters out there, suit up your Lichforms and Death Nova traits and lets make an army together!

Who am i? I am your caretaker, your humble servant, your “Grima Wormtongue.” All those jagged horrors need upkeep that I will help provide to keep our numbers strong.

If you are interested, PM me in-game and we can hook up. It can be in the world, fracs, dungeons, pvp, or anything!

Hope to here from you!

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeeran.6027


It’s a simple matter really. If you need your answer, you should go to LFG, or one of your guild chats, and see how many raid groups are LF Burnzerkers. Their superiority is pretty obvious from the burn ticks (no metric needed). It’s also no secret that this game’s community is all about the fastest/most efficient methods, made even more obvious by the “swamping all day ERRDAY” era of fractals.

I shall peer into my looking glass and predict the steps of what will happen, upon the inclusion of a dps meter:
1) builds get tested
2) HIGHEST damage build(s) identified (with actual 100% reliable data)
3) Discrimination
4) worse off than we are now

What you all should be asking for is engaging group mechanics that make use actual class/combat dynamics, instead of the dps race+circus game junk that this first raid wing is.

Minions go Kaboom!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeeran.6027


Shield Block... JUST TAKE MY MONEY!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeeran.6027


Faab, I was thinking the same thing about the roll being used for movement… Alas, you have a good point Still though, I would love to see a full-sized Norn Guardian shrug off huge blows with timely blocks.

On a side note, I remember Vindictus having really visceral shield use with “Tap to roll and hold to block.” Depending on the attack, you had to decide which to do and it added a surprising amount of depth. Not that I think guild wars REALLY needs that, but its interesting to point out what other games have done well.

… I would have pointed out Dark Souls too, but my strategy in my first playthrough was hide behind the biggest shield I could carry and pray… lmao

(edited by Zeeran.6027)

Shield Block... JUST TAKE MY MONEY!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeeran.6027


Using endurance to block with a shield, instead of rolling. Basically just an aesthetic option. Make it a trait, an item, a setting, a gem store purchase, or whatever you want! My armor-clad, shield-wielding, beached whale of a guardian will thank you greatly

Much love <3