Showing Posts For Zelda.7013:

JQ/TC/SoS 9/11

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Such a fun week! See you soon,TCers! Miss you already!


7/19: JQ/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I gotta Give my fellow TC members props, I think we could have beat JQ this week if FA would have showed any kind of aggression this week towards them, only times I would see FA and JQ fight it out was when JQ would get the in their Towers and Keeps, other than that FA just tried capping our stuff while we were busy with JQ.

I have to disagree with this a little. I think we had wear out issues this week. Even zombie coast couldn’t make it all the way through SEA time all week long. And as soon as our late night crew would go to bed, JQ would find themselves with a comparatively empty set of maps to reset which would set us back for NA time. Then at NA time, FA would log in because that is their larger time slot as well. It was a timing issue for us.

Now, had we been paired with a server with more SEA than NA instead of FA, this fight could have gone differently. JQ would have had something to deal with during SEA besides just running around in golems resetting the map. Even then it would have been an extremely close, hard fought week just like this one was.

(edited by Zelda.7013)

7/5: DB/TC/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I always seem to forget how obnoxious TC’s forum presence gets when they’re winning handily.

It’s not a good trait.

But you seem to be under the impression that what a few people in DB TC decide to do speak for the entire server.
You seem to be under a grossly false impression.

You should take your own advice.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Once, I had a PPT.

JQ would love to have PYRO

I won’t allow you to take the frontline yin to our backline yang.

[PYRO] and [DERP] sitting in a tree.

Tsarazi didn’t tell you? [DERP] is coming, too. We’re combining guilds: [DARPYRO].

At least your guild name name would finally not be censored on the forums

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I can see what this is all about. Mag is just upset that they can’t get into the EBJP because we have their keep.

They should thank us. It has probably doubled their WvW presence.

There’s a waypoint in the jp now. Once we’re in, we’re in until we get bored.

The trouble is getting in there to begin with. I don’t recall any time today when you’ve owned your EB keep.

Live map on mos says we own it now. Quick, everybody! To the JP!

Hahaha, you aren’t kidding! You guys just flooded in there like a tidal wave. Hilarious!

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I can see what this is all about. Mag is just upset that they can’t get into the EBJP because we have their keep.

They should thank us. It has probably doubled their WvW presence.

There’s a waypoint in the jp now. Once we’re in, we’re in until we get bored.

The trouble is getting in there to begin with. I don’t recall any time today when you’ve owned your EB keep.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I can see what this is all about. Mag is just upset that they can’t get into the EBJP because we have their keep.

They should thank us. It has probably doubled their WvW presence.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I enjoyed fighting the [TS] commander this morning with [CERN]. We were a bit outnumbered but that is what made it fun! Good fights, guys!

Here was the scene:


(edited by Zelda.7013)

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


This is my song for “Free ports at Eternal JP” for SoS

Hansons? Dude that’s crossing the line. Don’t bring that kind of hardcore trolling up here.

Guys, look out. We got ourselves a player here.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


RPers also don’t mind dying. They just role play into it.

“I’m hit! Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!!”

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Many of these posts are so replete with mournful venting. Guys, remember it’s just a game. No one choose this match-up. Please just try to have the most fun you can with it and hope Anet addresses our match-up issues soon.

6/21 TC/FA/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Good luck and have fun this week! I hope to see some valiant fights!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Get ready folks, here it comes!


Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Dear Anet,

You owe gold to all the members of all the servers who are getting continually farmed in wvw this week. We expect reimbursement for your lack of forethought.


Balancing Wvw - A suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Just one idea that came just to my mind is, that after some time, when you have almost nothing in your own borderlands, you get access to an event (where the orb was before maybe?) where you can summon the forces of the gods to protect you and it will create temporarly a magical barrier arround the towers and the one keep surrounding the spawn of your map. This barrier can be crossed by invaders, but the ammount of ppl, able to pass through is limited, while defenders can pass it freely. Projectiles of siege weapons can pass normally through the barrier. This would allow the defenders to have an area of the map, where they are matched more fairly in numbers, while outside of that magical barrier, the WvW matchup would still be the same…

This is an interesting, creative idea. I do like the idea of making the home world more difficult to conquer. The main battle should be taking place on EB but the reality is, it’s happening on the borderlands since the removal of the tier system. If this were an actual battle, things should get more difficult as you got further away from home. The fact that My team can fight on my homeland with the same efficacy as when on an opponent borderland doesn’t feel right. I’m not sure if balancing numbers is the right approach (numbers aren’t always the problem) or maybe massively nerfing the amount of supply you can receive while invading, or maybe something else entirely, but capturing an enemy borderland needs to be an increasingly uphill fight with holding the whole map a near impossibility.

(edited by Zelda.7013)

Balancing Wvw - A suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelda.7013


Another suggestion would be to make changes such that the home world maps were much more easily defended by the home army and very difficult to take over and defend by the opposition.

Balancing Wvw - A suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I am also finding the new matchup system to not be too my liking. At first I enjoyed not facing the same 2 servers, for variety sake, but then a different problem arose. I believe the problem is that servers are not close enough to each other in WvW capabilities (whether it is due to skill, communication or population is immaterial). The only WvW fights that are fun for me are the close ones. I don’t care whether I’m on the winning or losing side of a lopsided fight, either way I’m bored.

So, I would suggest to Anet that if they intend to push forward with this new non-tiered system, they need to find ways to make a fight like SoR vs SoS competitive. This means they need to somehow handicap the higher ranked server. To this end, I have a couple of ideas but I’m sure others can think up some others.

One idea would be to cap server transfers based on wvw rank as well as server space. Another idea would be to place an environmental debuff on the higher ranked server or an environmental buff on the lower ranked. A third idea would be to add new maps with terrain that might benefit the lower ranked team or possibly some NPC events that need to constantly be upkeeped by the higher ranked side.. Potentially even a combination, you get the idea.

Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. Hopefully a solution can be found because neither this system nor the previous were quite right imo.

(edited by Zelda.7013)

freezes every 10min

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zelda.7013


I had this problem since the last patch (May 28th) in wvw playing in full screen. When I changed to windowed full screen it stopped freezing. I hope this helps someone.

(edited by Zelda.7013)