Showing Posts For Zerraph.6749:
I see you edited while I was responding:
I just split a stack of bloodstone dust and half the stack changed to “account bound on acquire” so I couldn’t restack it.
Bloodstone Dust has always been account bound.
Indeed. And then splitting it changed it to “account bound on acquire.” The change means it can no longer be stacked with “account bound” items. They are considered to be two completely separate items.
No more information is necessary. ANY stackable item.
I just split a stack of bloodstone dust and half the stack changed to “account bound on acquire” so I couldn’t restack it.
(edited by Zerraph.6749)
They are changing to account bound on acquire.
This causes me to be unable to stack them with other items that are exactly the same. Is there any fix for this?
Several times I’ve noticed that I’ve still been in combat after I respawn. This causes me to run slower for a while and puts my weapon swap on CD. I don’t remember noticing this before this week’s patch. is the best resource for builds right now. It has roaming builds as well.
D/D is a viable play style in WvW but it does have a couple problems. The 3 skill is pretty much completely useless in this build since it’s a condition attack when D/D is a burst set. Also, stealth is much more difficult to obtain in D/D than D/P. If you do choose to play D/D in WvW roaming, I would suggest using the SA trait line since it gives more survivability and condition removal.
Play D/P and win.
My understanding is that D/P is still weak against heavy condition pressure. What is it about D/P that makes it more winnable in your view?
I mainly play 2/0/0/6/6 S/D. I can’t seem to beat either of these two builds EVER in a duel. Is there any way of dealing with these at all?
When I say heavy DPS, I mean something more like 6/6/2/0/0. Thieves have a lot of survivability and escapability utility skills with stealth and shadowstep. So I’m curious as to why I don’t see more thieves simply ramping up the backstab damage and using stealth and mobility as their defense?
It’s worth noting that I’m a newish player without much experience so maybe there is an obvious reason that I simply don’t know about.
I keep hearing about this “legendary” Sizer character. I’m sure he is quite good, but how would anybody know? I never see him streaming. He doesn’t have any past broadcasts saved on Twitch. And I don’t see any youtube videos of him wrecking people. How on Earth does anybody see him play?
I have just started playing GW2 after a long break. In general, I’m enjoying PvP here more than other MMOs. However, things have changed quite a lot since I last played and I find myself struggling quite a bit in matches. Right now, I am only playing sPvP.
I see that a lot of people are playing S/D with some build like 2/0/0/6/6. WTF makes this build good? I know there is a lot of endurance which is fun, but I must be missing some pro tricks with the weapon set that makes this viable. I run a Valkyrie armor set and my DPS seems so low.
I am also struggling against heavy control builds. It seems that everybody and their mother is playing warrior, necro, mesmer, ranger control builds right now. I feel like there are more crowd controls in this game than even in WoW right now. I can only assume that I’m doing something wrong which is causing me to be stun locked so much.
Any advice/tips/tricks for playing this class better would be much appreciated. I could always log on my warrior and have much better results, but that seems like a noob way out. Plus I love the mechanics of the thief and would rather just become more skilled. Thanks very much.
I haven’t noticed many keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes. Of course, I can press the escape key to exit the dialog window. But I can’t press 1 for dialog option 1, 2 for dialog option 2, etc. This was a nice convenience feature that I liked during the short time that I play SWTOR. I think it would be a good addition to this game.
So after running the Tixx dungeon on one of my pre-80 characters, I notice that I get a huge chuck of experience for doing it. Can I only get this experience bonus once per day (along with the other rewards), or will the bonus come every time I run the dungeon?
I’ve never seen such obvious double teaming as I have until today.
We have Darkhaven basically bending over for Dragonbrand, gifting them Stonemist while Darkhaven gains nothing. No wonder Darkhaven continues to lose WvW players.
Now I’m not crying about it, just pointing out an incredibly obvious fact. Some servers try to gain the most points, while I guess some prefer to be another server’s kitten.
Maybe next time Borlis Pass shows up in a new Tier they may not want to come in and kitten off the locals.
There is already a separate thread about how BP is expecting to walk thru this Tier and face off with EB or YB.
There are several posts in this very thread about how you expect to have an easy time in this Tier.
Simply put, you brought this on yourself and now your crying about it? Typical.
Actually…BP still expects to walk through this tier. So far…Nobody has given us any significant trouble (through an entire week) in well over a month. So why shouldn’t we be confident. So they can continue to bring on the double teams. We are still leading regardless.
sigh…Looks like it’s going to be another easy week of WvW.
Soooo…I log on this morning and check out the score update.
BP is currently getting +650 points.
HoD is currently getting +25 points.
SF is currently getting +20 points.
I have been completely and totally bored of this matchup since about 9 PM ET on Friday.
It amazes me how many people do nothing but attempt to make excuses when BP beats them up. The fact is that BP literally sucked a few weeks ago. We didn’t have enough players. The players we had didn’t know how to play. And commanders were an endangered species.
Then guilds began focusing on WvW. Guilds recruited in PvE zones. Then coerced the new members to join them in WvW. Now numbers are strong for BP. The players are much more experienced. And commanders are no longer as rare.
So no more excuses Anvil Rock. You tried to beat us. You failed.
To be fair we have been working on this for more than a few weeks
Haha good point. :P
It amazes me how many people do nothing but attempt to make excuses when BP beats them up. The fact is that BP literally sucked a few weeks ago. We didn’t have enough players. The players we had didn’t know how to play. And commanders were an endangered species.
Then guilds began focusing on WvW. Guilds recruited in PvE zones. Then coerced the new members to join them in WvW. Now numbers are strong for BP. The players are much more experienced. And commanders are no longer as rare.
So no more excuses Anvil Rock. You tried to beat us. You failed.
I have heard people claim to go from early levels to level 80 playing only WvW. I’m not an experienced player, but so far my experience has shown that it’s difficult to gain XP playing WvW compared to normal leveling procedures.
Is it a plausible strategy to level up in WvW? If so, what are the different methods used?