Showing Posts For Zindel.8673:

Gold Buyers - Lets deal with the cause in addition to the effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zindel.8673


This is a pointless discussion. You will NEVER have a stable economy when the currency is printed “as needed”. Every quest you finish , every mob you kill, everything you do , you are rewarded money that didn’t exist before. Gold farmers/sellers contribute to this, but the system in inherently broken in name of fun. This is a problem that every MMO to date has faced.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

(edited by Zindel.8673)

Why You Should always Zerg in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


4. No need to pay for siege upgrades, or anything that will help you keep point! You WANT the enemy to take points so you can take them back!

This mentality is what killed Warhammer…

This is what is known as a “saddlepoint” in game design. The rewards are higher for players to avoid pvp and simply flip and counterflip… Once they figure it out, this will become the norm. They need to START by making points easier and cheaper to defend. Then re-evaluate.

Great book if you’re interested.
Rules of Play

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

(edited by Zindel.8673)

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


I have a better idea. Get rid of downstate and stop designing all your content around highlighting this ridiculous and mostly UN-FUN feature of the game. When this was brought to the table in your design meetings, undoubtedly there were those who opposed and you should have listened to them.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

Ehmry Bay vs Gate of Madness vs Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


Thurs – 10/11/12 – 5:50 PST



~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

Ehmry Bay vs Gate of Madness vs Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


You guys are so completely full of BS its not even funny. I could name everyone I feel responsible for organizing attacks over the last 3 nights on my right hand, the regulars on my left hand and toes…

It was not just a couple of days ago EB was winning and there wasnt all this fuss. Now all of a sudden GOM pulls ahead and we’re chalked up to being hackers, night cappers and having a ridiculous numbers of people online. We have lost SM what… 4-5 times now?

Our morale has gone up, and perhaps to a small degree our participation, but its the same crowd. Equally the opposite, SF and Ebay moral has gone down and subsequent active players… psychology is part of war.

Unfortunately… lowering morale also seems to fuel whining on the forums. Less QQ and more PewPew as they say! Thank you for the cake!


… at elast we’re not in last place this week, but tbh, I think EB won this week, simply because we don’t have orb hackers and crap on our server.

The first night we successfully took over the map we pushed SF out of O/L and had as many attackers as you did pushing SM about 2 hours ago. and it took us almost 4 hours to do it, one failed attempt. How did this happen? We asked people to stop pushing on QL and Durious hoping that you wouldn’t retaliate and leave us alone long enough to do it. Sure as planned, you were pushing Pang and Ogre.

We set up 4 trebuchet on Anzalias Pass and guarded it with our lives. We ate it against SF guards and balista entering the interior, lost our spot on the Vista and continued to push the same plan and it worked.

Now as I mentioned you have as many people pushing SE walls 2 hours ago, Golem, Catapult, mortars, rams the whole 9…. but you gave up in less than 20 minutes and we had far less defenders on the walls. A few thieves on the ramparts clusterbombing, you send in the redcross…and they die…the whole attack was disorganized and it showed. You don’t have to believe it. I don’t really want you to.

SF I would go as far to say, has less active players than EBay, but WAY more formidable on the battlefield, and extremely persistent. shrug

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

(edited by Zindel.8673)

Ehmry Bay vs Gate of Madness vs Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


Give it a rest. I log on every night at 7pm for the past week and EB map was even (not including SM which we’ve fought our kitten off for). And don’t blame night capping or server pop cause the entire map being taken over occurred TWICE both at prime time PST. How? Good commanders, people who listen, strategy, relentless determination, three times the numbers. Not because of some un-guilded assclown flying up a wall, which is the only proof of any “hacking” going on.

Fixed it for you

No, actually what you’ve done is known as plagiarism.

Do you honestly believe GOM has as many active players as Ebay and SF combined, during prime time?

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

Ehmry Bay vs Gate of Madness vs Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


What I have seen happening on GoM with regards to this issue is we are starting to get a few people who organize the same maps. If I go to EB, I see the same people calling out intel and rallying the masses. If I go to SF borderlands, I know I can find player X who is keeping the map focused on defense or calling out what to attack. Then we have a group of about 5 commanders that are coordinating. They agree who’s going to which map, what their objectives are and contact each other if some back up is needed on a map. These coordinated commanders seem to have their peak later in the night. Who knew our server could coordinate? :P

As far as I’m aware, there is no large influx of players to our server. I am guessing that we have some casual players jumping on the bandwagon when they see we are winning. The last match up was abysmal. Everywhere we turned was a wall of invaders coming to steamroll us. I can’t blame them for wanting to come in for a more inspiring experience.

I have a unique perspective with my current jacked up work/school schedule. I play between 6pm-10pm and 2am-8:30am central. When I’m doing my school work I check back into the WvW menu from Queensdale whenever I need an brain break.

I have the privilege of seeing both prime time and the late/early hours of 2AM+. In snapshots (doing school) and in real time. I can definitively say that it is not just organization. There are more people and more guild tags on GOM than there was by far. Zergs occasionally happened during the night out of nowhere, but now they regularly happen in specific segments of the morning. When people go to work being especially popular.

As my screenshot shows, it’s to the point it’s not even just a majority of things in their hands now, it’s EVERYTHING. At the time everyone is at work the zerg arrives and places multiple siege golems and countless siege. But honestly they could beat down the doors with weapons and we’d be powerless to stop them because of sheer numbers. I can only imagine the situation is worse for SF. They were low pop compared to both.

I’ve seen this build step by step and piece by piece over the course of around a week now. I didn’t come to my conclusion flippantly and trust me I’d rather be wrong. It’s extremely disheartening to go from a good fun battle against a server to facing 5:1 odds when people are going to work knowing that you’re losing everything for 8+ hours. There is no recovery from that.

Note: The situation being as it is most likely stems from free server transfers primarily. As stated there was a nice fun close round before this all started.

Give it a rest. I log on every night at 7pm for the past week and EB map was even (not including SM which we’ve fought our kitten off for). And don’t blame night capping or server pop cause the entire map being taken over occurred TWICE both at prime time PST. How? Good commanders, people who listen, strategy, relentless determination. Not because of some un-guilded assclown flying up a wall, which is the only proof of any “hacking” going on.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

Timed battlegrounds, solution to population spreading

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


What they need to do is make this Guildwars, not Serverwars

Instead of pitting severs against each other, create Guild Alliances (or battlegroups if you will)

  • Each Alliance has core hours, some are the same some are different.
  • Guilds affiliate themselves with an Alliance that matches their core playing time (as OP mentioned, but this is not about a server its about a group of guilds)
  • If you want to pvp more than your guild’s Alliance allows, you join another guild with a different time slot… you can already do.
~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

(edited by Zindel.8673)

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


If you don’t think that the thief class in WVW is entirely out of whack, you absolutely do not know what you are talking about or you are a thief and don’t want to see your class even close to be in balance. This happened in a span of two seconds. I suffered 28073 damage in two seconds. I have all exotics and 20K hp. My toughness is 1600 at the moment playing the Ranger class wearing medium armor. Once again, I ask the DEV that posted “before listing a class as OP, see if you can counter it.” I am sure that the guardian class can counter it a bit better than a ranger but this is ridiculous. I am not asking for opinions, only that the right people (that actually care) to see the data.

1) Point.
Looking at your combat log i see:
2x Dancing Daggers. -2 Second
1x Full Auto Attack Combo – 2 Seconds
2x 1st Auto Attack Strikes.- 1,5 Second

So it’s already not 2 seconds.

2) Point.
Melee does more damage then range.
So fight melee with melee.

3) Point.
Dancing dagger bounces back to the target if it has a 2nd target in the effect area.
What this means is that you took extra 6k damage for keeping your pet near you.

My advice, if you want to succed in WvW, test your build in sPvP first. You’ll meet all the unique combinations there, in the fair environment.

Thank you! I was just about to post the same thing.

To add something else, every hit is critical with the exception of DS at the end of his rotation.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


What exactly is going on in this video? Your radar and camera has you standing on the ramparts, your health bar never changes. Just curious.

I was scrolling the combat log to show the DPS taken. It helps to have numbers to back up “gripes” as the devs call it.

This did NOT happen in 2 seconds. Nice try.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


What exactly is going on in this video? Your radar and camera has you standing on the ramparts, your health bar never changes. Just curious.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

Ehmry Bay vs Gate of Madness vs Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


I’m pretty sure if there is hacking going on in the game, its NOT limited to one or a few servers, and to claim GOM’s success in WvW this week is due to hacking is for conspiracy theorist and whiners. We’re not inviting them to our server, we’re not participating in their actions, and we’re too busy in EB, playing as a team, executing planned attacks, to pay attention to the group of hackers on your servers….doing the same thing.

Thanks for the cake.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

Ehmry Bay vs Gate of Madness vs Sorrow's Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Zindel.8673


Just wanted to say, great fight @SF/OL tonight, both sides. Was a blast!

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindel.8673


As far as complaints about “no trinity”…. seriously? 1000 other MMORPGs out there that have the trinity combat model. Why are you upset that GW2 isn’t another 1 in the crowd? If you don’t like it, go play one of the other MMORPGs that are trinity based. Don’t want to? Then learn to play GW2. All dungeons are extremely doable once you learn how to play.

Lets be real… this isn’t “hard” like vanilla Naxx, M’uru, C’thun… this isn’t even complicated, its just a matter of staying out of the red and trying your best not to get one shot. The lack of definitive classes facilitates WEAK design, and requires very little from the player other than the ability to execute combos, and dodge/evade. This does NOT equal FUN, it equals boring, unforgiving, haphazard gameplay.

This frustration is exacerbated by:

- Trash that causes high repeated direct damage.
- AOE spam that covers areas beyond your evasion range.
- Crowd control mechanics that are spammed, giving the player no chance.
- Short, ineffective tells on high damage abilities from bosses and trash (worse when you have aggro from more than one)
- The need to constantly highlight their “downed mechanic”…this just sucks IMO
- FX spam, general visual overload.
- The inability to position your camera where you need it.
- Geo doesn’t ghost when the camera collides
- Zero training on whatever strategies they HAVE developed for bosses/trash.
- No communication to the player, or encouragement to change gear/specs for different aspects of the game (some people need this).
- Instant ramping of difficulty through dungeons and encounters in the world, there is no curve here.

I can go on and on…

Remove the trinity, remove classes, do whatever you want to make things different. but it still needs to be fun at the end of the day. Many people are NOT happy and do not find this fun, and that should be considered by Anet… Maybe they are ok with the loss of that section of gamers.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

(edited by Zindel.8673)

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindel.8673


So to sum it up..

The Holy Trinity – which consists of:
-Tank who’s job it is to absorb and direct spike damage away from the group, coordinate with other tanks, exchanging aggro to avoid taking too many of one type of de-buff. Taunting and redirecting wandering minions away from the group.
Healer – who plays a key part in the group’s survival by restoring health, patching wounds (hots), neutralizing poison, de-cursing, resurrecting the fallen… essentially taking on the huge responsibility of keeping the team alive.
Damage – This is a funny one, because it seems that people have forgotten that even with the Trinity, EVERYONE can damage… these guys just do it harder, better, faster stronger.

You can feel the synergy of your group, you trust in your friends abilities, you feel the flow of the fight and react. And if you do it well, it feels FUN.

Insert Homogeneous Role – Run, run some more, run and shoot, evade, fall down and help a friend off the ground, die, re-spawn at nearest way-point, run and shoot some more.

I know I’m being cynical and biased. I play a thief… it sucks, it’s not fun at all.
Why do I stick around? the other aspects of the game are great.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindel.8673


No trinity is one of the best things this game has.

If you like mindless games…. I guess…..

you misunderstood.

the trinity in this game is different. It’s also much more dynamic, because not everyone is filling out 1 role. And I prefer it this way. WoW’s formulaic “raid warning, do X, follow rotation Y, use Z cooldowns at ABCD points”

It’s pretty amazing the combinations you can get in this game.

I don’t misunderstand anything. I’ve played over 2 dozen MMOs since ’96 all with various types of mechanics… I GET why they said they removed the trinity, and I believe it is possible to have a fun, compelling, engaging game without the trinity. What I am saying is, they failed… plain and simple. The classes are homogeneous (aside from effects and animations they basically all do the same crap, and the combat in dungeons, (especially dealing with boss fights) reflects this…..

Anyone with two eyeballs and half a brain can see that dungeon and boss fights are boring compared to games with well thought out encounters where class dependency and strategies can be constructed…… NOT because it can’t be done, but because they haven’t figured out how to design these encounters without the trinity.

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindel.8673


No trinity is one of the best things this game has.

If you like mindless games…. I guess…..

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindel.8673


Nope, you’re 100% correct. There is no plan of attack, there are no roles, there is no strategy. This is just poor and mostly lazy design. Feels like AOC dungeons did… several monkeys and one football….

~I’m in ur keep….stealin ur cake!

(edited by Zindel.8673)