(edited by Zinky.6573)
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They definitely respawn way, way too fast for a solo player in many areas. The repop is often so fast you can get jumped by something you killed seconds ago while working on the next thing in line. It makes progressing into an area really tough a lot of the time.
I’ve not seen too many but apparently my name is quite humorous
Asura Guardian Zinky Mousebiscuit!
1) Use your Bank. If you deposit items into your bank, you could take them out on the alt character and use them (assuming that they aren’t Character Bound to your main character).
2) Mail things to a guild member, then have them mailed to your alt. This is how I can get the weapons that I wanted whenever I start a new alt and I’m stuck in the beginning instances.
Ahh so I wasn’t a complete idiot at least lol.
One question though: where are the banks, in Rata Sum for example? The only time I’ve seen a bank tab pop up was when crafting.
I came across a few toys that my main character cannot use and a couple bags and wanted to send them to my baby thief I made. How…how do I do that ? lol…
I tried mailing to him by his name. “recipient not found”.
I tried mailing to my name Zinky.6573 “you cannot mail to yourself”
I did notice that on my alt, purchases on the trading post can be picked up by my guardian or thief, which was interesting.
How do I mail stuff to alts?
Thanks for the quick response, and…bummer.
Hey folks =) First post!
I’ve been playing MMO’s since the launch of Ultima Online and I’ve always been one to craft stuff for myself as I level. It’s always been reasonable craft stuff at a level that is appropriate for my characters as they level. WoW kind of changed that with a shortage of and/or gross overpricing of materials.
I started GW2 a week or two ago and am now lvl 25. I’ve been trying to work on weapon smithing and have been following a leveling guide for it. A friend of mine was kind enough to give me 50 silver to start out with and I’d managed to get to 85 silver in leveling my character.
I decided to start working on my weaponsmithing so that I could have weapons to match my level, which was 20 at the time. I’ve kept every collectable I’ve come across and hit every tree and ore node I came across, yet when it came time to start crafting I was grossly below the required items for 0-75 skill. I went to the trading post thinking to purchase the remaining materials I required as farming the stuff myself seems almost intentionally sparse in drop rates. I figured with the items being stuff that drop off lvls 1-20 npcs that the prices would be affordable for a new player. To my surprise the cost of 1 of the 100+ items I was going to need was already twice as much as any piece of gear I was able to sell on the Trading post. I ended up going from 85 silver to something like 35 silver, an absolute fortune for someone just starting out.
Now I was lucky enough to have a friend give me some silver to start me out, but my question is: How would someone starting with an empty wallet ever hope to work a tradeskill matching their level? The prices for such basic components were leaps and bounds over what a new player could realistically afford. Is this due to folks gouging the market because some lvl 80 might be starting an alt with lvl 80 gold able to pay inflated prices?
Kind of discouraging when a handful of claws from lvl 10 animals cost enough to buy myself a full set of armor at lvl 20.
Is this a normal thing on GW2 servers?