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Leaving controversial stuff aside, the things that bugs me most about the Hero Points and what I would really love to see changed, are the icons on the map.
It took me about a minute to figure out that there was a difference between the icons for HP challenges that I completed and those I didn’t complete. It turns out the difference is a light green and green icon versus a green and light green icon.
I would have suggested making them yellow or something if not completed and green if they were (more like the mastery points), but apparently the Central Tyria Hero Point challenges have yellow icons (dark yellow with yellow and yellow with dark yellow).
It’s something small, but I think it would definitely make the UI quite a bit more intuitive.
So far, it’s 4 new big maps of endgame content with event cycles each, together with extra incentive to play the game in general (the mastery system). There are also the guild halls, new Borderlands maps (although I’m not sure if they’ve been released yet as I haven’t played WvW yet) and the elite specializations.
I’m sure I’m missing some things and some parts are larger than they seem (masteries for example), but the point of the expansion is not what is released initially, but primarily the promise of what is yet to come. With HoT you get access to the coming content updates as well, like the raids that have yet to be activated.
I don’t know all the things that will still be on their way, but nonetheless, like said above, I’m having fun and I’ve roamed all the maps so far and gotten a guild hall with 3 friends :P
I’ve been playing with 2 friends (so in a group of 3) and trying a couple of dungeons. We figured we’d try the Aetherpath to see what’s up with that and got close to the end, when we ran into a player check; a puzzle that required 5 players to complete, thus blocking our progress.
I’ve been searching for a list of the minimum required number of players per dungeon (or per path, wherever that makes a difference), but I couldn’t find anything. On the wiki it’s hidden in the walkthroughs, but we don’t want to read those so as not to spoil the fun of discovering what to do.
I was hoping someone on here could help me out with a good list?
Yeah, even if we’d have to buy the collection tab expansion for gems, please integrate it. They are crafting materials as well; they deserve their own spot
I’d love to see a new collection tab (or an extended fine material tab) for the rare crafting items (Piles of Essence, Onyx, Charged, Crystal, Molten, etc.). They are crafting items just like the other items and these items take up inventory space just like for example the Fine Crafting Materials do. I don’t see why the rare ones should be any different.
I agree. While playing the story I was called Valiant, Recruit, Warmaster and they would make awesome titles.