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Gamescom 2015 necro footage

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZosoEU.3542


SMH…… /facepalm This game isn’t about 1 spam contrary to popular belief you have to set up your attacks. You guys have already made up your mind. Your a very stubborn group. You won’t grow like this. You’ll never learn cuz you know it all.

Really guy, your the stubborn one. You won’t grow ignoring everyone else who has far more experience than you. You’ve already made up your mind that everything about necro is fine, and straight up ignore people who give valid evidence as to why it isn’t. You will never learn because you think you know it all.

More exp? Bro I’ve been playing GW since prophecies and GW2 since it was released. Stop trying to puff your chest. From what I’m seeing I’m not impressed. complaining about Focus 5 cast time and Axe DPS? Really? With the amount of vulnerability and fears we have available to us?? thats how I know you don’t know what your talking about. You and your group give each other little ego trips. Grow up.

Again with ignoring half my post, and also I am not in anyway bros with anyone who ignores facts and others opinions like you. If you think axe and focus are good you aren’t experienced, I don’t care how long you have been playing. They are easily predictable, easily avoidable, and don’t have anywhere near the dps or utility to justify either of those. Also, vuln and fears don’t make axe or focus deal good dps.

The fact that you disagree with pretty much everybody else on this forum who has spent significant time on the class shows me you’re stubborn and have a huge ego. You literally think your experience trumps not only mine, not only the people on this forum, but also the pro players who don’t take necromancers on their teams (which they haven’t for most of the game). At the very least you could give explanations as to why you think axe and focus are good, but instead you say L2P, this game isn’t about autos, learn to set things up, and generally insult everyone here. Trust me I am well aware you can do setups with fears and immobs, and it doesn’t make me want to take axe or focus because dagger and warhorn are still superior in pretty much everyway.

w/e champ. You know more. Lets wait and see what Nos comes up with next and you can follow behind and then say your good.

IDK about PvE but in PvP playing AGAINST those classes teaches you A LOT.

Gamescom 2015 necro footage

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZosoEU.3542


Doesnt matter how long you’ve played. If you dont have an open mind you will be stuck with the same delusions forever. Expanding to other classes is the biggest eye opener you can get in this game. I would suggest you do the same. But since you have played since release you probably have right?

No I only play Necro….

I don’t mean to step out and be a jerk, but according to this, and your “I play to have fun!” signature… why do you care? There are some deeply rooted issues that undoubtedly make Necromancers, including GOOD ones (not excluding Nos, and for the record, I’ve been very high MMR Necromancer myself), suffer in higher tier game play. So, what if people want to get the kinks worked out? If you just play to have fun a few buffs here and there will not kill your casual-buzz? I don’t see the point in going out on a limb so far as to stop class progressive thinking if it really doesn’t matter to you, because you have a sense that things are “fine”? o.O

The things you guys suggest would break Necro because they would have almost perma shroud and blow people up in one combo. The skill floor is low. Signet and Well Necros are not hard builds the only difference is that Signet is more effective then well because of the boon strip and sustain. Easy builds. Might as well play MM. Nos is just a good player and makes easy builds look god like. Nos is an exception to the rule because he has The Abjured.

P.S kitten ANET WTF!!