Showing Posts For ZweetSok.8635:

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


I want to start by saying how much I love the cdi topics, it gives me such a good feeling.
For my top 3;

1. Stat selection on ascended gear. Since it’s time consuming and hard(er) to get it would be nice to be able to swap stats. I have one of each class at 80 and it’s a pain to get them all in full ascended, not even talking about multiple sets + multiple weapons.
I really think it would be a great step forward to be able to swap stats and builds on the fly.

2. More (weapon) skills. It would be awesome to have multiple skill choice per weapon and more utility skills would open up new builds. I know you’re already working on that (or that it is planned), just wanted it in my top 3 as it is important to me at least.

3. The return of the Dervish. Okay I know it’s not really about horizontal progression. But I mis this class so hard.:(
Real nr3. Factions, with their own questlines, skill rewards.

I hope the cdi topics stay, it’s a great way to share our ideas/suggestions and with direct feedback/reactions from devs it gives us the feeling we are truly being heard and have some influence on the game we love.

(edited by ZweetSok.8635)

Can't sell anything on trading post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


Can’t sell items, can’t cancel buy orders. They are the exact same items btw.

Cleric's Axe of Smoldering (rare80) bugged

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


I have the exact same thing with multiple items.

Can’t remove the buy orders, can’t sell the exact same items.

upgrading an transmuted karka shell?

in Crafting

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


You can better wait until you have an infused version and THEN transmute. As far as I know it you will lose the skin otherwise.
So; Ascended backpiece → transmute Fervid censer on it → Infuse → Lose Fervid Censer skin.

Ascende backpiece → Infuse → transmute Fervid censer ont it → Have Fervid censer ascended (infused) backpiece.

I chose the latter, to be safe and have the skin which I enjoy.

Good luck

Poll: Profession Over Level 40 Demographics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


Guardian – 80
Warrior – 80
Ranger – 80
Mesmer – 80
Thief – 65
Engineer – 52
Elementalist – 28

Ascended Items Prefix, Suffix

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


Ugh… I am still waiting for ascended gear with the stats i need (Carrion) and if Waraxx is right, I might never get them.

i’d say its a 75% chance i’m right, i’m afraid.

I’m afraid you’re right.:(

So disapointed. Hope we will get a response if they will ever add the missing stats. If not I have to recalculate stats to match with my build.

Ascended Items Prefix, Suffix

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


I’m curious myself. Posted in similar topics, but still no answer.

I think we will see more combinations, a dev said there will be 30 different ascended amulets. There aren’t 30 different rings now, so maybe we see the ‘new’ stat combinations added to the rings.

I want my Valkyrie/Knight trinkets!^^

Whats the best HAT you can get/make?

in Crafting

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


Here are all medium armors for humans, so take a look.

Ascended rings

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


Yesterday I posted in a similar topic, with the same question. I’m saving my pristine tokens untill the january patch, just to be sure.

Ascended rings with different stats

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


I would like to know if there is any update or dev related comment on this subject.
Would like to see ascended Valkyrie rings. Have no idea what to replace them with, without losing allot of health or crit dmg.

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


No not everyone. I didn’t get it. I was sick during the events.

Looking to get a skin

in Crafting

Posted by: ZweetSok.8635


The sword is called khrysaor the golden sword. It’s a Mystic forge only skin. You can also buy it via TP.

(edited by ZweetSok.8635)