Showing Posts For Zzero.4316:
okay so, first of all mesmer and theif cna share roles, but also play different roles. the main role (in spvp atleast) for either class is nuke burst damage. there are pros and cons to each class but 8/10 times the theif does it better and its more reliable. the only real thing a mesmer brings to a table better than a theif is portals and boon stripping, possbiyl moa but already we are talking abotu high level high organized team play, something which 95% of players are not involved in. unless you compete in weekly ELS and other tournaments on a regular basis, you are not involved in high level play. end of story.
secondlt theif “hardcounters” mesmer not because of the role but because of the skill sets and class mechanics of both. 9/10 theives will run some sort of spammable blind or stealth, d/p theif being the hardest for mesmers. this is because it renders half of the mesmers skills useless just based of class mechanincs (talking summoning clones and phhantasms, anything that requires a target).
saying that it doesnt mean mesmers cant win fights or duels even, they jstu have to be smart, counter stealth and wait for opputrune momemnts and usually have a pre-setup burst, cuz either class can 1shot the other (talking meta builds shatter mesmer here) they have to know when to f3 daze and interupt certian theif skills and be able to play ahead of a theif, which usually isnt too hard, especially against d/p its just the class mechanics make it hard. playing agasitn d/p is very predictable but you get hard countered before the fight even starts.
either way theif is just more reliable in the current meta, wvw is a different story where theives really only shine in roaming, as do mesmers but altelast mesmer bring some zerg utility inn portal veil null field.
anyway thanks for listening, im drunk
imagine a staff. then you could pull off some donetello type kitten, like almost purley defensive play but extremely slippery and amazing animations xD
Awesome info thanks for the replys guys, I had SF in mind before even posting this and I might follow through with them but another part of the question, is there any other servers/guilds that stand out? Its not only about JQ. Still looking for smaller fights/skirmishes possibly
okay cool thanks for the info I’ll kepe my eyes peeled on JQ for a bit then and try to do some rummaging of my own XD
Hey guys so I’m slowly returning to the wvw scene I think. I feel off kinda hard after S2. Was part of HoD hype winning silver then moved up to T1 on JQ. But after that I kinda fell off from wvw and got really into PvP. So im returning now, still on JQ, but have almost no idea what has been going on. I know JQ TC and BG are still top 3 but I would like to know other servers that are good for gvgs and small fights maybe 20-40 man fights, as that is more of what im into currently. More of the skillful and tacticul fighting servers as opposed to these blobby ones in T1. What I last remember it was Mag, SoS, and DB I think were the smaller skill fighting gvg servers but I’ve heard theyve fallen off. So if any1 could help me thatd be greatly appreciated. and if possibly throw out some guilds that fit what im looking for? THANKSS!!
All you D/D eles know what im talking about with both skills. Can we pls fix =/
Magnetic Grasp has such a screwy range, it gets obstructed so easily buy a freaking piece of grass in between you and your opponent, it works like 50% of the time it actually should work.
And Lightning Flash pls, rubberband more, screw up combos more, pls. So gud.
Ty for rant, noted. gg
i only play LR with d/f if there is more than one LB ranger on the other team, other than that its still not as viable as cele d/d imo. loses too much survivability and gives you an awkward role, if you wanna be bursty and fill that role s/f is still the way to go.
i would gladly take the glyph rez as an elite over glyph of elementals, or and other elite now in everything besides pve i guesss
well first of all, i wouldn’t say thief got kitten on, s/d yes but d/p is still fine, granted 1v1s may be slighttttttttlyy tougher but still, its pretty much the same d/p theif with added cleave.
and yes, of course, elses kittening awesome and probably the most viable class spread across the entire game in with the current patch in mind.
it may take a bit to get used to playing it as there is a much higher skill cap, meaning usable skills, therefore memorizing keybinds and such. but ya. ele ftw, no reason not to right?
Okay so, loaded question:
If you had to drop, essentially delete one class from the game, considering all aspects, what would it be, and why?
And vise versa, possibly regarding the class you “deleted” from the game, what would you add, or like to see in this game, keep in mind all aspects of the game here.
Be as in depth as you can! This is a thought provoking topic, go crazy! And please give reasoning, not just; “drop thief cuz I cant beat it and they’re annoying.” No, that is their game mechanic, get over it.
No qqs please.
go into pvp on a staff ele with clerics amulet and renewal sigil, runes of dwayna traited 00266. you should be able to tank for a long time. healing power op
off, can throw off backstabs and other tactical plays
what would be the point of using it if was essentially a 1 for 1 trade off with the other team.
okay, aside from dueling there are other things that can be done. yes every1 should be able to duel well incase they need to hold a point or what have you but there are alot of other things that contribute to tpvp.
- team fights, where do you belong? what do you offer to the team? depends on your necro build i suppose, but learn what you provide and how your teammates can play off of that. its all about synergy.
- environment, learn your maps, learn the LOS spots, learn the spots you can atk over/under. position is key, as a necro blink spots are tough but give HUGE advantages in fights, and unless you run worm you’re kind of out of luck, but play around with it on other classes, learn them, they can turn the tides of battle.
- rotation rotation rotation, nuff said. learn where to be and when, communicate with your team, count enemies, figure out your advantages on different points and so on, its a fast game and its about outplaying your opponent. yes some team comps are “cheese” and a pain to get around, but theres always a way, and the better you get at out thinking people, the better your outcome will be.
goodluck holmes!
I use arcane thievery in PvP as i run a build that is countered by stability and its nice to have the ability to strip it on demand, unlike disenchanter. Im talking here mostly about warriors, it is also nice if you get immobilized and you can swap it out. The skill is good, its the most aggressive clear we have, especially stealing 25 stacks of might, and its very good in duels. I do agree it needs some work.
Any1 who has used it knows its not easy to pull off, and this is what I would change.
- I agree that the cooldown should be at 30-35s.
- Instant cast, dont have to be facing target and cant be obstructed.
Those are the main problems I have with the skill and what makes it hard to pull off, atm you have to be in a clearcut line, facing the target with nothing in the way, and can be evaded. Instant cast would be great, and imo how it should have worked in the first place. It would make this skill more viable.
first of all pve gear/traits will not effect pvp at all. when you are in the mists at the top of your screen there should be a PvP Build button, that is where you pick your pvp traits, weapons and amulet, and runes, armor means nothing in pvp.
secondly, thief is not easy to play, it takes practice and timing. no matter which build you use. d/p 26006 and s/d 20066 are mainly the meta for thief at the moment. they’re different variations of each build but thats the basics. dont expect to hop into pvp and be able to 1v1 and win instantly, itll take time, pvp is a whole lot different than pve