Showing Posts For acehale.6592:

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


After reading the devs post about alliances i have a few questions and have seen some of my fellow blackgate members point these topics out. First of all I am not in a WvW guild nor do I want to be, but all I play is WvW. I am in a guild CoE that has been together since the beginning of guild wars 1 ankitten ot leaving anytime soon. My fellow guild members have no interest in WvW, but I have fought with blackgate in WvW since I bought the game and whether it be KnT, Icoa, Jinx, Ons, etc. I love fighting with these guilds and still want to play with them. So I would want to be in their Alliance but my guild would not. So can individual members decide the Alliance they want to join and not have to be in a guild in that alliance? I am sure this is the case for a lot of players also no just me and just not on blackgate but any other server also.


7/26 BG/SoR/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: acehale.6592


Oh look the thread is starting to go south. We must have taken the lead…



6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: acehale.6592


Because winning fights doesn’t = ppt? Confused.

lol was thinking the same thing.


Top 5 most stable servers?

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


In no particular order:

Wild card: SoR. They haven’t really been “tested” yet to see how they deal with losing after a long winning streak.

The fact that the majority of you all still think “winning” is the only reason to be playing WvW is beyond me. SoR history shows that we actually have not won many tiers. Only 4 other times have we actually taken 1st. We only rise. we won a T1 matchup and tbh if we loose a week or even loose 13 weeks again, it wont stop us coming out and fighting. Some of you should not care about the scores, it actually opens up so much more great things that come with just playing a game.

LMAO if this was the case when we was taking Hills last night in BGBL TW would not have zoned in to try and stop us. You would have just stayed in your BL and defended and not worried about BGBL and your ppt. Also I guess the map hopping TW always does to save stuff is just part of playing the game and not worry about winning lol.


Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: acehale.6592


Honestly BG numbers have been way down this week during NA times. Don’t know why but a lot of people aren’t playing.


Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: acehale.6592


score update!!! Good luck out there!



4/26 JQ/SoR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: acehale.6592


So much Kitten in here from the great and all mighty Sor community lol!


4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


Great fun last night on BG BL….great resilience BG in your Garri and to the 20-30 JQ running interference every time we got in I hate you

I was there for that! Good times! We kept everybody busy while JQBL Garri went down.


4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


Score Update Please!


4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


SoR’s notorious for zergballing the most

Actually JQ and BG are far more notorious for it. The only thing SoR is notorious for is breaking zerg balls with lesser numbers.



Elite Commanders on your Server

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


My favorite commanders on Blackgate to roll with would be

[JL] Vapoure
[Thai] Pat Zero
[KnT] Riven
[KnT] Alexis Lightbringer
[KnT] Ridculy
[ND] Hyun C D
[Pro] Joker

I know I am missing a lot of great commanders from Icoa, Ruin, GoF, MERC etc. but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


I’ve played WvW pretty frequently and I swear I’ve never seen this HB commander people are constantly referring too.

Maybe because he stopped playing the day after BG won, and if you were here before that, many times he would run without commander tag because he liked the 15-20 man groups that would reap havoc on zergballs and usually Waypoint port every few minutes. If you weren’t in his TS channel you wouldn’t know he and HB even existed other than where they were, things were being flipped, rapidly and efficiently. It was a style that many of us enjoyed and actually put in extra hours to be a part of because it was constant pressure and amazing battles. As went Smokee, went BG, and when he left, trying to find these type of battles and strategy are not easy to find. Heres a video of what is was like runnin with HB , has his tag on a few times and is the one on TS. The Hammer warrior you see is also a great commander and fun to run with.

Why did Smokee and Orcommander quite playing?


4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


Great fight last night at overlook! SoR you almost had it we were trying to help you but JQ was just suicide running and none of use could use any skills to stop them. There was one point I could not even auto attack for like 3 min.


3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: acehale.6592


How about a score update!
