Showing Posts For achilleez.2750:
While these so called “sounds” are bloody dreadful, they have at least provided some amusement.
This morning I was running past a female Sylvari ele who announced “I summon the power of the wind!”
At just the point when my ranger blew his horn and I nearly lost my coffee down my nose
When my guy says “That looks valuable” or “You can never have too much treasure” when you’re 99.9999% sure that the item is worth kitten all.
Quite honestly, I’ve heard farts that sound better than this. Having now had my ears assaulted by it in a number of different circumstances, to me it sounds like an old creaky door.
What were you thinking? The old sound was a bit annoying but nothing like this.
Please for the love of sanity get rid of this awful, dull and frankly uninspiring rubbish.
Can confirm, also having this problem. Unable to select custom quantity just straight to purchase page.
Bumping this for all my fellow warriors
Can we get confirmation that this is a known and noted bug and that it’s on the fix list please?
Take heed, I haven’t taken leave of my senses, I’ve seen creatures of metal and steam.
To come back to the game after a two year break and find that Norn woman still churning that one out was a bit disheartening.
Also the Silverwastes guy near the merchants is a bit much when you’ve got a lot of bags to do.
Shamelessly bumping this. I appreciate that a lot of things are much higher priority and that it’s a busy time with HoT at the moment, but it would be nice to know if there was a fix in the pipeline sometime soon.
This does indeed appear to only add 20 toughness.
WvWvW is extremely good for getting Karma. A lot more fun than tedious PVE grinding too.
Plus of course you earn a skill point every time you gain a level above level 80, so the amount you can obtain is potentially infinite.
@Nexusneo I can only apologise again for I’ve said i personally logged off once I knew orb was hacked and could not be straight away returned.
As I’ve said before, as far as I know no-one actually knows who the hacker is as they did not speak in chat. As far as I know this thread was created because we recently had some upset between guilds on the server and some of them moved to Blacktide.
I don’t understand what you mean by “drop down the keep”.
I’m sorry, I had no idea it had happened before. As I said in the apology thread, I and others wanted to return the orb to you but are apparently unable because of the hack. So I did the next best thing, stopped defending the Garrison and in fact logged off in disgust.
edit:- in answer to above post, yes it is Kodash.
This was an absolutely shameful action and does not represent 99% of the players on Gunnars.
From a Gunnars Hold player. I feel I must post here to apologise for whoever it was who hacked your orb on our borderlands this afternoon. Although we are being soundly beaten, the vast majority of us have enjoyed battling against a very tough and capable opponent. This person ( and I really do have no idea who they are ) has bought shame on our server. Once we realized the orb had been hacked, I immediately wanted to return it to you, but was told that once hacked it cannot be moved. Once again I sincerely apologise for this idiots actions and hope you will not see this as a reflection of Gunnars as a whole.
I saw some guy running around with the name " Dr.Spunk" the other day which apparently is a perfectly ok name. I imagine the filter is set to “American English” needless to say, here in England this name does not mean he’s plucky :P
The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.
in WvW
Posted by: achilleez.2750
Seems to be ok now, just played a 4 or 5 hour session and there was no invisibility. So a tentative thanks to all at ANet for getting this fixed, good job.
I had never noticed people doing this until today. At least 5 people that I personally had downed suddenly disappeared (I imagine logged off). It’s a shame people act in this manner and unfortunately it’s my opinion that a delay should be implemented to prevent this unsporting behavior.
Just to confirm that since the 7th October patch after about an hour in WvW enemies start to disappear, then friendlies disappear and finaly even NPC’s like the armour repair guy disappear, it’s at this point I usually try re-logging which fixes the problem for a short while before it returns. There’s been a lot of talk and confusion about lag and culling etc. I would like to state quite clearly that previous to the 7th October patch I was experiencing absolutely NO rendering problems whatsoever.
Win7 64bit
I5 2500k
8gb Ram
GTX 560ti
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: achilleez.2750
Can confirm that my loading times are now significantly longer (SSD) since the 7th October patch. Even slower than my wifes ancient hard drive.
This happened for me directly after last night’s patch. Everyone was entirely invisible, opposing players, my team mates, npc’s, pets the lot. Also when I left WvW I was unable to see Karma Vendors in Orr until I logged out and back in, so I’m not sure the problem is specific to WvW.
Just to add, I never had any problem with rendering whatsoever pre-patch (Win7 Nvidia GTX 560ti)
I have to agree that I feel certain elements of the game have been rushed somewhat. I also believe this is probably due to commercial pressures, given that the game was in development for such a long time, I can imagine that a return was needed.
Virtually the only thing for me that really spoils an otherwise fantastic game, (putting aside the small niggles) is the way the mobs have been added and spawn.
The gameworld itself is utterly gorgeous, one of the best looking I’ve seen in any genre and it’s clear that a lot of time,effort and painstaking love has gone into the various landscapes and cities. It then sometimes feels like it was turned over to a team who were told “We need to get these areas populated and playable,pronto”.
It’s like they couldn’t bear to take their finger off “place monster here” for more than a millisecond. A lot of the zones feel way too crowded with mobs I think you could easily lose 5-10% of them overall and there’d still be a ton of stuff to kill. There are hardly any spots to stop and chill outside of the walled areas ( and I’m not just talking about Orr, i expect that of all places to be busy and hard, it’s a lot of the mid-range zones that are really bad).
Also there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the way many particular mobs are placed. For instance I think it’s Diessa Plateau, my wife and I encountered Tar mobs, Earth Elementals, Dinosaurs and Ghosts literally all within less than a minutes travel.
It seems like a lot of the mob placement/spawn time was a bit of an afterthought and for me just doesn’t allow for any enjoyment of the beautiful world. I really hope this area of the game get’s some love in the future because quite honestly it deserves it.
And just to add, so this doesn’t seem too negative, we’ve been having an absolute blast in Tyria and overall think it’s a fantastic achievement. I can’t wait to see it in a few months when it’s been polished.
(edited by achilleez.2750)
This has been broken on Gunnars Hold for nearly two weeks now. I appreciate that AN have their hands very full at the moment with a lot to fix, but even just a quick response to let us know it has been noted or even perhaps some kind of timeframe when this vendor will be available again, would be very much appreciated.
Well it’s still broken on Gunnars Hold.
This is still not working after this mornings patch. Any word from AN on when this can be fixed or restarted? Please let it not be yet another weeks wait. (also on Gunnars)
Temple of Verdance still appears to be broken after 1st October patch.
After October 1st patch temples appear to be working, apart from Melandru still broken.
I am also frustratedly waiting for the Melandru Karma vendor.It’s now been four days.
Having the vendors part of a dynamic event is a wonderful idea, if it was working properly. As it is, it’s extremely annoying to have farmed a quarter of a million Karma and have no place to spend it.Please,please,please can we have an alternate fixed spawn vendor in the meantime.
Maybe you can only use it if you’ve completed the story quest at Fort Trinity and you’re a member of The Priory. I know the one at Vigil Keep let’s me travel to and fro no problem.
Can I has yer stuff?
This happened to me twice yesterday,both from WvW sudden DC. Connection has always been very stable previously.
Temple of Verdance has been unavailable again for the last three days (Gunnars Hold). Bit of a PITA when you got together a quarter of a million Karma for an armour set and can’t spend them.
Agree with this. Some weapons just look too out of proportion. Particularly Greatsword on Human, it’s so big it hides the player model and when wielded, far from looking powerful and cool, to my eye just looks like a massive, silly foam bat.
It’s only a minor thing, obviously they need to be oversized to suit the artistic theme of the game, but like 5%-10% smaller would look a lot better I think.
(edited by achilleez.2750)
Hope this get’s implemented soon +1.