Showing Posts For aerO.5361:

Game crashes or freezes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: aerO.5361


Hi. I really need a help. Iam a boomerang player and i’ve stoped playing GW2 a couple of months ago due to problem that i want to talk about.
The game freezies or is crashing to desktop after teleporting to places while playing for about 40 – 60 min in large populated areas like LA or WvW.
I thought this error wont happen again and it will be solved by updates.
Sadly, this issue still repeats and it frustrating me like a hell.
I really like this game, but this error turns me to quit playing this game…
I hope someone can help me…

PS. I’ve got the latest drivers for my twinfroz MSI geforce 560GTX.
Cpu – amd BE 965, 4 GB ram