Showing Posts For allstick.1405:

Arah Story Mode - Broken!!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: allstick.1405


Just ran into this bug with my group, any ways to get around it?

…any word from Anet about fixing it?

Weird clicking noise

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: allstick.1405


I guess it could be a footstep bug with the Claw fights. The first time it happened in Orr I was alone. I was eating Dinner in between killing random mobs, found an empty area to stand in for awhile and it just started on it’s own. I never saw another player around my area, so I dunno.

What's your favourite Jumping Puzzle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: allstick.1405


By all means keep the pvp element of the JP’s that are in wvw, but remove them to a separate instance please!

This is an elegant solution to this problem, I don’t think many would argue against it.

EB JP is my favorite to answer the original question.

Please make collectible's bank stack to 1000

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


It would be cool to spend gems to get higher stacks in the collectibles. Anet would get their gems, and OCD people like myself would have a cleaner bank.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: allstick.1405


If you seriously don’t want to deal with que’s anymore, go find a server that is down over 200k points right now. You won’t have to que…you can be one of the 5-8 people that dare WvW, and can’t even get enough to get a siege breaker commanders going while there are hundreds of enemies standing just out of range of your legendary defenders waiting for something to kill.

I would trade my uncompetitive server with 0 ques for 3-5 hour ques on a competitive server any day of the week.

(edited by allstick.1405)

Partial completed dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


I love this idea for casual to really casual players.

WvW & Map Completion Alternatives [Merged Threads]

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


Been There. Done That. has never been, nor ever should be a PvE achievement. Until you actually go and complete the WvW maps, you most certainly have not Been There, or Done That.

Gifts of Exploration

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


I find that having only 2 Gifts of Exploration will severely hinder my progression in the future and im sure myself and many other players would like the chance to complete our legendary weapons without the use of an alt.

You want to see pain? Swing by Reddit and visit r/GuildWars2. Go talk to the guys in the 75% club. That’s pain.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: allstick.1405


They’re working on it. Problem #1 was the massive groups of people flocking from server to server. Problem #1 has been addressed. Once things settle and Anet has a good idea of how the latest changes affected Problem #1 they can move on and address other problems.

On the lack of communication issue…The Gameplay Manager gave an update to the community 5 days ago. In that update he stated “We expect several weeks of volatility.” Welcome to several weeks of volatility. You want daily updates? You’re not going to get them.

Improving a massive, complex game like WvW is a slow painstaking process. You make a change, you wait patiently. You see how the change affected the game from various angles. Once you’re sure of how the last change affected the game, you make your next change. They’re not going to panic mid-week because que times are up on some servers.

Weird clicking noise

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: allstick.1405


I have this weird noise which started once while walking around in Orr. It’s loud first of all, and I’m pretty sure it’s not intentional. It sounds like one of the gods is holding down a mic button but instead of talking, they’re just banging the mic around in a large room with an echo. The sound is much louder than anything else going on. Lately, I just hear it during Claw fights. When the dragon screams and it’s supposed to be this epic scream, the weird clicking noise is at least 50% louder. There are no other applications running that would make a noise like this.

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


It’s going to take a month or more to get the servers rebalanced and figure out if this fixed the problem or not. Anet will probably take a “wait and see” approach. I feel like in the long run this will benefit the matchups greatly. It will never be perfect, but it’s moving in the right direction

WvW & Map Completion Alternatives [Merged Threads]

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


Flagging is not a good idea, especially to cater towards players wishing to get WvW POI’s without participating in WvW.

World Completion means more because of the WvW implications and what a player went through to get them. Any changes will diminish the achievements of all the players that went out and put in the work on WvW.

(edited by allstick.1405)

Daily Combo Killer - not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: allstick.1405


Do events in large groups. I got 6 just on the claw preevents

Daily Combo killer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: allstick.1405


My working theory is you can’t use the same combo twice…still experimenting

Change the angle when using Look Behind

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


On relatively flat ground, this isn’t really an issue. If I’m swimming upwards at a 50 degree angle, my forward view angle is tilted upwards in the direction I’m moving, so when I use Look Behind the reversed view is now around 130 degrees.

What I want to see with Look Behind is the opposite angle, like 220 degrees or the opposite direction relative to my forward view angle. That way I will see all the Naga chasing me instead of just an upward view of open water.

Commander icon.

in WvW

Posted by: allstick.1405


I like the system. Typically, someone isn’t going to spend that kind of money for an icon unless they have a good idea of what they’re doing (there are always exceptions).

What I really like is when a guild contributes towards getting one of their leaders a Commander’s Compendium.

There’s no rule saying you have to do what a particular commander wants. If a commander gets a reputation for being an idiot, people will catch on pretty quickly.

Edit: When a commander makes a mistake (which all commanders do…they’re human) I like to joke that they should be required to pass a test on top of the fee. You could have questions like “I just got my entire zerg wiped, what should I do now?” A: Blame it on the idiot players on my server

(edited by allstick.1405)

1/11/13 - Dragonbrand / Yaks Bend / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: allstick.1405


. I don’t like thieves ganking folks just trying to get to a battle :p

I dunno if you can really be upset at a class doing something that they are supposed to excel at. I think a few thieves picking off players along the reinforcement lines will make all the difference in larger battles.