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Recent PvP "Changes" - a message to ANET

in PvP

Posted by: alpaZiM.4568


If they would actually “test” their own game, they would never implement such a thing.

Then how would YOU test the game so it would be better than how Anet implemented it? Could you make it perfectly fit into the mentality of the players who do paids without upseting them? Srsly, I would like to know.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: alpaZiM.4568


Here’s what I think anet could do to help to spvp system.

Conquest Tournaments
Paid Tournaments (with winner and loser brackets, a pause mode, and spectator mode)

The tournies that give people prizes would be set up like this:
1 per season big tournaments (30 teams EU and NA) costing tickets but rewards a lot of gems, gold, and tickets to the top five teams
1 per month semi big tournaments (10 teams EU and\or NA) costing tickets but reward a good amount of gems to the top three teams
Weekly Paid Tourneys (8 teams EU or NA) costing tickets, rewarding the top three teams with a decent amount of gems and tickets
3 Daily Paids (5 teams EU or NA) costing tickets and rewards only the winning team with gems and tickets

Paid Ranked ladder
Which would basically be a ranked 1v1 match built upon on a very competitive, hardcore ladder (for instance, grand masters league in Starcraft 2). But since its 1v1 it would only cost one ticket. By it being a hardcore ladder it would only have a limited amount of teams, and teams can get kicked for not consistently winning.

Free Ranked Match (1v1 team solo/duo queue and premades)
Two separate ladders and ranking for those who only want to solo queue and for those who do premade group in a ladder system similar to without the hacker competitiveness of paids. Hopefully reducing the new player stomping mechanic for the lack of ladder in gw2 that so many people on the forum want added.

Hotjoin for Conquest and Other Game Modes
Should not be a part of a ladder but can still a part of the game and hopefully satisfy people who different game modes but feel that conquest in boring.

(edited by alpaZiM.4568)