Showing Posts For animusLi.1304:
So, should he expect a reply anytime soon (i.e. in the next few hours) or does he now have to wait 3 days + again? When is this going to be resolved?
This is your guy’s fault, the support team (or you? are you Lloyd? who knows?) even admitted to an error. Does he now have to wait AGAIN for this to be solved because you guys made a mistake (which you admitted too)?
We absolutely do care. I just sent over a few tickets for review, and your friend’s may have been one in that batch. I raised an eyebrow when I saw the history on the account. I can’t tell if some of the players are persistently cheating or if there’s something going on with the occasional (and yes, these are rare) account analysis.
But we are on the case and will review these with care. I am sorry that this happened!
Yes, the second time he was banned was solved yesterday and as you can see above from the original post, his account was banned “in error.”
Yet, his account was blocked again for a third time just now for botting today.
What do you mean by “persistently cheating?” He says he has not been doing anything differently in his play then he has been since he got the game during the week of release.
I bought a new account out-of-the-box and it’s banned because a family member linked my GW1 account to their GW2 account and got themselves suspended. Been 4 days now, wish you the best of luck. as far as i can tell they don’t care.
Well they should care as my friend buys gems on a regular basis.
This is growing to be ridiculous.
He was doing a personal story on a character and then got stuck in a door accidentally (nice programming btw).
He relogged to get unstuck, went back into the personal story, and then BOOM, banned again.
Im sure it had nothing to do with the getting stuck in a door, and would have auto-banned him no matter what he was doing, but it really does figure it would happen like that.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: animusLi.1304
The reason I am reposting this (yes I know its above) was because the ticket was resolved. However, the issue has reemerged and now my friend is banned again. He refuses to open a new ticket as this is the same problem he has been having for the past two weeks. That is why a new ticket is not necessary. I also have a topic opened up on the main page as this utterly ridiculous now:
So my friend keeps getting banned for botting when he never bots. He was just banned again while playing the game for a third time about a few minutes ago.
This is what he received yesterday from the support team after being unbanned a second time:
"Response GM Lloyd via Email 01/13/2013 05:17 PM
After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account has been released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars 2 once again. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please let us know if we can assist you with anything else.
GM Lloyd
Guild Wars Support Team "
Obviously, Anet has some sort of automated ban system that keeps banning my friend due to faulty scripting on the side of Anet.
He highly doubts someone is trying to access his account as he was logged in during the time of the ban, and also has a mobile authenticator.
Please look into this ASAP as he has been banned for over 7 days now in total and would not like to banned for anymore. Also, he would love for this to be permanently fixed as he does not want to have to keep opening tickets up every few days.
His name: Diviner.7405
His ticket: 130109-000300 (Which he reopened a few minutes ago)
(edited by animusLi.1304)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: animusLi.1304
My friend was banned for botting for a second time in under 2 weeks when he has never botted. As he cannot post on the forums, I am posting on his behalf as his ticket has not been looked at besides receiving a copy/paste message from the support team.
As he has now been banned for 5 days in total from both bans, I would hope this issue is resolved soon. Thank you.