Showing Posts For aphoticzone.9103:
I am currently seeing that bots I am reporting are not being removed. Is there a huge delay between reporting them (i.e. 7 or more days) or are the reports not being properly validated? You said you are working to improve to tools customer support is using to verify bot reports. As an example (only) there is a group of about 10 bots running around on follow. They are actively interfering with the heart in the region. They are not being removed. You say you are doing things to help, but I am not seeing this take place in game. When do you predict that this better analyzing system will be in place, because I am personally very frustrated that the reports are not being acted upon?
(edited by aphoticzone.9103)
I’m getting it too. It’s supposedly some kind of fix for over farming, but someone obviously didn’t test it before releasing it…
Actually, my comment was that bots need to be addressed faster, which is not the same as reporting botting here. I only mentioned where I saw them as an example, not as a means of reporting them in the forum. The fact that this needs to be handled in a timely manner is a topic that should be recognized, not ignored.
5 bots in a small area of the human starter area, using the teleport hack, are interfering with the hearts by taking away spawns. Reported hours ago and they are still there. I find the presence of so many bots out in the open very frustrating. I realize that they may eventually get removed, but I think this process needs to be sped up. If they are there the entire time I am in the area, then they are directly affecting my gameplay.
(edited by aphoticzone.9103)
PLEASE PLEASE make this sort of thing available as soon as possible. I haven’t bought anything from the store yet (trying to save my money), but that I would buy. One issue is that certain dyes just do not go with my sylvari character’s skin/hair colour, but I want to be able to use the dyes. I am also the kind of person who gets bored of one appearance, and would LOVE to be able to change my appearance at will. I would buy something that allowed me to change the appearance of my character in a heartbeat, and I suspect I’m not the only one.
I realize that some people would argue that this should be a free option, something like the barbershop in WoW, but either way, I am holding my breath till the day something like this is implemented. I am SOOOO tired of the purple tips on my character’s hair, and she is only lvl 32. How will I make it to lvl 80? Help!
I agree, this is an excellent idea. Even without a separate gold selling button, it would still work to mute a person with , say, 50 or more scamming/spamming reports on them. The gold sellers work very hard to bypass any filters (whether they are present in gw2 or not). This would effectively mute them (and prevent them from sending in game mail) until the issue could be checked out.
The gold spammers are out of control and something needs to be done about it. It is surprising that they are getting away with it in this volume via chat and email. Really arenanet, do something. This is looking more and more like one of those “other” mmo’s where they couldn’t care less how many gold sellers clutter up the chat window. I associate those mmo’s with sub-par games and I never play them for very long. If customer service doesn’t care about that, they will care less about anything else you may need from them.