Showing Posts For aquathanos.9714:

Post Screenshots of your Guild Hall home

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


so, a guildie made a vid of most of our hall’s decorations, would probably illustrate them better than screens, though not as much time spent on the library (at the end), my fav room:)

Totally love it! I like how you placed the statue of Balthazar under the arena. Only problem with decorations at the moment is the decoration limit, today i wanted to start a “maze garden”, well it just won’t let me do it, in the end i made only a small cute garden and a private lovers corner


Post Screenshots of your Guild Hall home

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


our recently made guild library and other smexy corners in our guild hall:)


(edited by aquathanos.9714)

Great patch!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


great patch idd! finally!

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


“….I just don’t think right now is a good time to add raids when the game could use resources pretty much everywhere else. Anet is essentially gambling 95% of the player population in hopes to please the 2-5%. Anet isn’t Blizzard, when your resources are extremely limited, you need to put them to good use.”

“…Fun fact, btw, raiding almost completely destroyed my guild, which had been running rather smoothly after HoT dropped, but then after the first raid we had some teams attempting the raid, some on TS and others not, and those on TS were pressuring the rest to join in, even just on listen mode, but for whatever reason the guild leader was very averse to voice chat, and the pressure to conform eventually caused her to snap and kick out some of the most vocal advocates, which then caused a Night of Drama where sides were taken and punches were thrown, and eventually most of the people involved settled back down, but it certainly was A Thing.”

I can’t agree more than these 2 and sorry for any mistakes in english. Let’s be realistic, Anet, is a company, a company’s purpose it to make money, translating this into “making customers happy”. They obviously need some kind of economical/financial advisor to show them which sector makes them more money, which sector provide more “happiness”, so they can focus on. Raids is not the one, and they are also not the ones to blame, huge lack of content is, also the fact that legendary armor can only be obtained through raiding, meaning that they knew from the very start that a huge percentage of the people would not be happy about that.
I am also happy that someone actually mentioned, what raids actually produced for most guilds and that is Destruction, giving birth to “raiding lists” with limited time of life. Gw2 had always had the best community, but transforming the core game into f2p, introducing only elitist content like raids, a kitten expansion and other small factors made the community so toxic, far more toxic than gw2 pre-expansion on pvp, actually now you see toxicity everywhere. Raids indeed had a huge role on destroying most of guilds pre-expansion, they were never intended for small groups of friends or guild mates. Impossibility to form a decent raiding group in a 500 members guild, is Anet’s fault. Raids should have difficulty scaling, be accessible to even more casual players, more players=more profit for the company, pure logic.
Still in my opinion, raids are not to blame. At the same time we blame them, only because, this is the only content being released after the expansion release date. Yet i still have hope for Gw2, as this is the only good mmo out there, enough with all those korean joke-games.

Burn Ele for Raiding?

in Elementalist

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


I personally have a full sinister set (armor weapons and jewels) and use a fire condi build at Vale guardian, since we only need more condi dmg on the 1st boss, then i switch back into zerker build. Full sinister set with balthazar runes, using dagger and focus (better cd on fire field more burning and harder CC plus invulnerability) with sigil of bursting and smoldering. Using Fire (Burning precision, Pyromancers training [i prefer more spam burning tbh than Power overwelming] and Persisting Flames), Arcane: (arcane precision, Final shielding, evasive arcana), Tempest (Unstable conduit, Invigorating torrents/harmonius conduit, Elemental bastion) and using as utilities: wash the pain away,glyph of elemental power, glyph of storms, signet of fire and fiery greatsword. 100% burn uptime, i dont use bleedings at all. I think Sinister is a better choise than vipers, for ele condis using only burning.

Quick question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


Paysafe normally works on countries with stable economies, with the current capital controls in Greece, paysafe stopped making new pins until recently that economy becomes a bit more stable, and now that we can buy pins, for some reason anet refuse to accept them. So the response is NO.

100% Representation and HoT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


The reason to 100% rep a guild is so they receive all of your generated influence, but beyond that, is to develop and maintain a consistent, active community.

pretty much this is the most important reason. 100% represent has so many benefits as stated before, being and staying social in one big community is the most important, people that dont want to fully represent or just like to jump from one guild to another tend to be loners, anti-social, they don’t care for other people hard work, they dont bother to know them, to speak with them, they only care for themselves. In my opinion 100% rep is a must, history has shown that only guilds that requires it are still alive, especially after so many months with 0 content, ppl are losing interest of the game, these large guilds with 100% rep even if they are more “casual” or not, keeps people in game. With HoT we will have access on different guild chat tabs, so 100% rep on 1 guild won’t be a problem (for example main guild 100% rep and 4 others non representing: 1 focused on fractals, 1 for wvw, 1 for pvp, 1 for TT, with chat tabs activated, problem solved partially, guild banks probably will be deleted slowly since all guild progress done till now will be deleted, at least that’s my guess. And since i touched guild banks, that main guild that asks for 100% rep, will have the power to help re create each individual guild bank).
Still having the possibility to belong in 5 guilds, was a huge mistake from Anet, created so many problems : personal guild banks, so much hate between full and non req reputation guilds, toxicity among players, impossibility to take part in every single guild event at the same time. Also the limit of 500 members/guild, the lack of alliances and alliance chat …. All the guild missions that will be introduced, the acquisition of a guild hall, all guild activities with HoT, will require active people, an active guild, that means that 100% rep will become even more important.

Returning to the first post, as you mentioned this is your friends problem for not wanting to become a part of a bigger community (this is an mmo after all). If i were in your position i would stick in the main guild, after all you can never know when your friends will become bored of RPing, or playing the game. I would try to convince them to join in this big guild, or join in a private ts/mumble channel with your friends and play together, you don’t need a small guild for that.

sorry for any errors, english is not my primary language

How much have you spent on Gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


0-40 euros/ each month

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


There is a reason why friend list exist and why someone needs to join a guild. Guild list should never exist from the very start. Account or character should join only 1 guild , and guilds should have the option to join a greater group, an alliance as in any other mmo, and gw1.
I am an officer in the largest greek guild on gw2, and yes we demand from our members 100% represent. Being 100% represent and using VOIP has many benefits (active-live help to every newbie, fast group forming for dungeons/fractals, guild missions, etc everything based on communication). Ofc “guild banks” are allowed as the only exception. A guild, an organised guild at least, has a lot to offer and the only thing that asks back, is to be and stay active. Guild members that do not represent they give/produce nothing in a guild, other than keep an extra slot. Guild merits / guild influence, the game itself ask from the guild members to be and stay active. Some guilds instead of asking represent they just ask gold in return so they can apply guild buffs etc.
Some ppl said, they dont want to join a guild 100% rep. They wanna have a guild that organises tri-wyrm, another one that does dry top t6 runs, another guild that farms a seasonal event, etc. Yes you have the freedom to join all these guilds, but you have not the right to be called a guild member, because you are not. Because all these can be done by just adding some more peeps in the friendlist. An organised guild has a purpose, for example a wvw oriented guild, does wvw. It is normal that asks 100% represent and it does not need members that occasionaly go to wvw, same goes for guilds that do PvE or PvP only.
Everyone have the freedom to join and leave a guild, and a guild has the right to ask for 100% rep or other rules and the right to kick, this is called democracy. But joining a guild and complaining for the 100% rep, while in the same time asking for max buffs from a guild that someone represent for 20% of their time and contribute nothing (no influence nor gold to buy influence), or complaining and asking for group while someone doesnt represent, this is called anarchy. There is also the option to stay without guild and play solo or join 5 guilds that do not require 100% rep, and exist for occasional/seasonal purposes (seasonal events farming, dry top farming, etc)

Sorry for my bad english, but people should understand the difference between Friend List and Guild. Just because there is a guild list, it doesn’t mean that you have to fill it.

Instantly get kicked (Code=7:11:3:191:101)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: aquathanos.9714


Same problem here, hope this will be solved fast.