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Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arpodz.5196


This is wonderful. For the minor sigils please remove them from the game or make them not drop from salvage or classify them as junk so when you select sell junk they go away.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


/Salute to BG for such a strong showing on your return to t1. I can’t believe how close the score is this far into the match especially with how dominant JQ has been. I thank you for the tough fights and competition.

I know a lot of the negativity from posters chases people from these threads who don’t want to wade through drama but I must say that I’m glad we (SOR) have this opportunity to battle you and JQ.

- Theblarg, Sheblarg, Heblargs [GSCH]

2/8 - JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Your commanders await!

Which one were we again? :S

Ya’ll haven’t claimed any yet .. which is why they look that way …

Well, I can’t speak for the rest of SoR, but my vote would go to Naomi! She’s got attitude, she’s got style.. and.. .and.. well, mainly she just dresses WAY better than McEnroe or Penn. :P

Wise choice. I personally think she’s the most vicious out of the three

I noticed this on here wiki page: “Between 1998 and 2008, Campbell was accused ten times of committing acts of violence against employees, associates, and, in one instance, police officers.”

Sounds like you were spot on.

2/8 - JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Due to your inability to work well with each other and play nice, Tarnished Coast is officially pulling your thread over and putting you each in a time out.

Now JQ, we know you’re the big guy now. With great power comes great responsibility, and that responsibility is to win with humility. You know how it is to fight an uphill coverage battle more than most, and now that you are on top, you should be more understanding of the effort SoR and SoS are putting in to stay competitive. People chose JQ because they knew you had it in you to win, and now its your time to shine!

SoS. You guys spent so much time on top, and even if you have lost many of those who helped your rise and maintenance of number 1, you are still a powerful threat when you mobilize. Take this opportunity to reinforce and rebuild your community and realize that even a drop in tier can’t take away your past successes.

SoR. You guys are the ultimate competitors. Your heart, like your namesake “Oldroar,” loved this game and it was his story that brought so many to fight by your side. That spirit is obvious in the amazing guilds and people you have and if you can only put aside a little of that pride, you will see you are still climbing that mountain you put in front of you, and you are closer to the top than you have ever been.

All of you deserve to be in Tier 1 fighting for number 1, and even if this moment in time finds the points pushed one way or another, we all know it can change in a heartbeat. Lets finish this week by recognizing each other’s strengths and valuing the time spent playing against arguably the best guilds in the game. Good luck!

That was a very thoughtful post Sunspots, thanks for trying to put some positive back into <whatever you want to call what the T1 match-up thread has become>. There have been so many entertaining posts from your community, I like how you TC seem to almost always keep having fun in this game.

2/8 - JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


See…this is why we can’t have nice things people!!!

Every time I see one of these score threads close I hear my father in-law’s voice grunting the phrase “Dmn kids can’t keep nothing nice” in my head. Puts a big smirk on my face.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Dear Anet,

Please adjust the way the queue works so that it checks the number of infractions you have on the forums and adds 15 minutes to your wait for each one you’ve earned. Kinda like how halo gave you a respawn penalty for killing friendlies.

Thank You Much.

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


This is the truth for about 90% of SOR. Yes we have a few who might take things WAY too seriously but most of us really don’t care about being in Tier 1. If anything I’ve heard more than a few on SOR express some concern about not letting being in Tier 1 become the end all be all for us in WvW.

I have had a lot of fun the past couple weeks and really enjoy the competition in T1. Thank You JQ for bringing the fight giving us a challenge and my hats of to SOS. You guys impressed me when you turned the entire map red a few days ago. I really didn’t care about getting to T1 until the matches got very lopsided and boring in T2, now that we are here and the queues seem fixed, it awesome!

Who do u really want to face after the reset

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Captain Kirk please with awesome background music

Any Tarnished Coast citizens agree?

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Well there is definitely something wrong with the queues, I queued up for all the BLs on my server, waited 10 minutes and still didnt get in. So I clicked again and got in immediately.

Why was my second attempt to log in given first priority over the queued attempt for which I had been waiting for 10 minutes?!

I believe it only queues the last map you click on with a queue.

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


So uh, how many Omega’s were on Bay in TC BL?

I was wondering the same myself, the description that someone typed on map chat of “a holy kitten ton of golems attacking north bay” seemed to under estimate the weight of those suits.

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


:( so sad, was stealthed in SoR Hills waiting to res our Mesmer, then lighting stroke me 4times and revealed me

You know just a few days ago there was a guy on map chat telling us we were wasting our time bribing the quaggans. Several people spoke up with reasons why it’s worth the time but I never would have thought of the possibility that lighting would strike a thief hiding in our keep and reveal him. Wow.

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


That’s an efficient strat at SoR’s Hills to save supplies >.> Auto attacking the gate with 30+ people

We decided that we didn’t want to use boulders in the catas anymore and have started throwing bodies at doors. Norns seem to be a great substitute and make a nice deep thud sound when they hit.

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


So necro only zerg it is, time/date/BL?

Let’s do tomorrow 8pm pacific and TC BL since they had the great idea about necro minions.

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


ooh a necro zerg is a real good idea, it would probably melt my graphics card too.

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


it was a fun day today! everyone was running their level 1 alts and just doing skirmishes in borderlands. No one is allowed to take any towers haha!

May I propose that we pick a night very soon to make a zerg consisting only of one class such as engineers?

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


To the TC who came out to play thanks for the fun battles today. SBI hope to see more of you soon. Welcome new SOR residents, if you think someone was cheating please take it up with the leadership of their guild via pm or submit a report to anet to evaluate. The threads in the forum need to stay clean so they stay open.

Jan 18-25 | SoR vs SBI vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Well now that this match up is pretty much lopsided .. just having face down a 40 to 1 zerg with members of FEAR Cds and oh who cares laughing an dancing on my body.. im a bit disappointed in a lack of showing in sportsmanship. As a great group of organised players .. i guess i expected more respect from your end .. guess i was wrong . Good luck in tier 1

I’m really bummed that we didn’t get to hold onto the nice balance in the tier that we had the first half of last week. It was such a nice change to have a competitive bracket after BG left only to have it lopsided after 3 more days. I’m on SOR and I don’t care about getting to T1, I just want to have fun in challenging fights.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


Yeah, good job SF. Did a nice job defending hills.

Yea Hills was sieged up and was a blast to defend all day. My favorite moment was wiping 6 golems in 5 seconds on the north hills gate.

unfortunatly id like to point out that there was 8 golems in the first rush :/
you guyd do deserve a little accurate bragging rights for that btw! the cout party you left at north hills was the most annoying counter to a golem rush i could have ever forseen.

that being said, FAllenzippy (icons golem obsessed nude radish) donated most of those golems to the cause out of his own pocket. and from what i understand he still considers it a sucessful rush, cuz it was a helluva lotta fun!!!!!!

That was actually an awesome learning experience because we made mistakes but were still able to take AH, normally it doesn’t work out that way.

Willing to share WvW details?

in WvW

Posted by: arpodz.5196


All I have to say is it’s great to see you guys respond to and engage the user community like this. This game rocks and is such a great value given the constant stream of updates and new content being delivered for it.