Showing Posts For astray.6057:
I didn’t mean the game language, I meant I just wanted to be able to type in arabic and be able to read in chat. Thats all.
Sad story, but anet already quite ignored just same threads about support cyrillic fonts, so large communities like guilds can use their native language in-game (and not asking about localization or translation). Just using native language in chat – guild, party and whisper. Not obligatory to have a map chat as well, even so it will be nice. But I never seen a clear response from anet for those threads.
Even so I prefer to have attention from anet to this threads, because they quite soon was flooded with other people responding like “we don’t want native speakers use their own native language” and “use english or do not speak”.
Anyway I hope the story won’t repeat. Good luck, friend.
I have no idea what exactly newish lvl 30 or 40 can do in dungeons. I remember how powerful was old-at-release 30-50 lvls, which could actually provide some help into dungeon progression.
But now forget about it, no 40 lvls at AC, they have no armor, no traits, I glad if they unlock some handful utility skills by that point. But I do not believe they know then and how to use them.
If you not my friend I have no idea why me or someone else should mule you through the dungeon. If you not 80 – you just a ballast. And I not exactly sure that kind of reward you should give us – to encourage do dungeons with only 4 or 3 valid members.
(edited by astray.6057)
One of mine characters casually located in Mount Maelstrom, because I usually run with this character CoE dungeon. This map also known for World Events, so… then this system came out in the next day I was asked 5 times in row to change my map, even so I was just standing in the camp doing nothing – even so there is somewhere else on the map events going on, but I assume it rather frustrating to be asked to change map every 5 or less minutes, I not sure that even once a “Volunteer” buff reached point “8 minutes left” before next message pop-up.
Also I wish Anet one day will do a story-arc about one crazy-asura fool who recalibrated waypoint network to make Player Character and probably few other Npcs – BANNED from using waypoint network at all or for random amount of waypoints in random times. That will give gamers idea how much they’re actually connected to waypoints more then any crazy green vines..
I like how waypoints work in another game, I don’t want to give u a name of it, but I like to mention it, because both waypoint systems has a same “nature”, they are half magical, and at the same time half science machines.
So 1st of all, you can teleport only to waypoints you know, and only if you have certain amount of money for it. But how do you “find out a waypoint”? In that case you need to discover a place there is a waypoint located, and then “become attuned” to it, technically you become recognized by that waypoint. “Become attuned” to waypoint is a magical action which has cast-time and actual animation of casting.
In a point for gw2 this part is “skipped”, cuz game counts you recognized by wp as soon as you unlock it and it’s become clickable on your map. But I guess this action would actually make sense, cuz it will explain why certain waypoints allows you to use them and others is not. There is no sense of waypoints if u think about them as like a train station, because train can take u to any station on the line, regardless if u been there or not. But it doesn’t work this way for gw2, you certainly cannot discover new locations by using waypoints.
2nd thing is how to teleport from nowhere. So far as u can not interact with waypoints being nearby waypoints won’t give you any benefits, even if it gives u perfect sense why u can teleport. But I must admit it cuz second mechanic is “skipped” also. And that other game to teleport from nowhere to waypoint you have to cast a “teleportation” it has cast-time and own animation, but certainly gives u an idea how all this thing works.
Quite obviously that 1st and 2nd points were skipped by game designers due “making game less alike others” and also saving player time by removing all this “signature moves” to make teleportation faster and easier.
And resurrection, actual resurrection has a different “look” and more dark and tragical animation, but it also eventually shows you that waypoint is actually heals you, while resurrects you. But gw2 also skipped that point and teleportation from condition
“being dead” has just a same mechanic and has nothing new, just similar to one you use while you alive. This also was made because of “quite obvious reasons”.
But as for me I decided to acknowledge this part, because current in-game gw2 lore doesn’t explain this processes as processes (in any possible way). They just there like common nature. So I think it safer to say we actually cast teleportation and we actually being revived by waypoints which can recognize us, even so it doesn’t represented with in-game mechanics.
This game slack “representation” at any kind of it.
You can not represent skill or knowledge of any part of a game, becouse any player around has a fair part of it. This game is so fair – what it is even unfair.
It doesn’t matter if you was the 1st one who earn enought badges of honer and get wvw set – becouse of new badges politic any of my alts can have full set right now, not even bothering with killing any person in WvW.
It doesn’t matter how good and skilled you’re – everyone else can buy the same reward as you get by your own. There is nothing you can achive at this point, there is nothing you can hold, and there is nothing you can earn.
Everyone around – even a new commer has the same opportunity as you.
There is only 1 thing – is a achivment points. But I’m pretty much sick seening something like this in lfg “ac story daily 10+ achiv points”.
So yes, this game do not support a prestige and representahion at any kind, even pvp got solid changes. Fair ones, may be.