Showing Posts For azntrigboi.3150:

What is a Ranger? A responce to the confused.

in Ranger

Posted by: azntrigboi.3150


Just because the results lined up does not mean that their intention was the same as yours. Unless there is some statement by AN which support your theory, people have no reason to believe it.

Also, you don’t have to look at a ranger in terms of an archetype. They can also be defined with a purpose instead. You say that their duty is to essentially patrol a section of land and protect it. I believe whatever is required to perform that job is fair game. If it takes a bow, cool. If it takes a rifle, cool. If it takes a freakin’ golem(asura racial which can be used by a ranger btw), I don’t care as long as it gets the job done. Archetypes are often too rigid for any kind of creativity, and their criteria are almost never fully fulfilled.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: azntrigboi.3150


Ticket #: 120831-005576

Declining all attempts on all 3 of my cards and my Paypal.

Selling Auctions Deducts 2x Listing Price

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azntrigboi.3150


Oh ok. Got it. He received 2g79s but netted 2g64s. Makes sense now. Thanks.

Selling Auctions Deducts 2x Listing Price

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azntrigboi.3150


From what I understand, in addition to the 5% listing fee, there is a 10% tax upon successful sale. You actually should have gotten 2g64s, but I think something else you put up got sold as well. Anyways, main point is that there’s a tax on top of the listing fee.