Showing Posts For balte.2769:
Do what I do, get names off of the WoW random name generator.
That thing is gold.
Hero Points are content to people? Laughable and pathetic.
GW2 is so horribly optimized. Every hardware configuration runs terribly, GW2 is the worst optimized MMO I’ve ever played. Yes even worse than SWTOR.
I don’t understand how Anet destroyed Lions Arch, rebuilt it, and manged to make the performance there even worse than previously.
The reliance on CPU power(single thread CPU power mind you) is an epidemic in MMOs.
Because that was the lazy solution.
Instead of limiting them to
-Not able to pick up supply
-Not able to place siege
-Not able to man siege
-Not able to enter battlegrounds/borderlands
-Access to EoTM only
Nah, all of those “solutions” are ridiculous and anyone who suggests them can kitten off.
If you want WvW to sink deeper into obscurity, that’s your business.
But I personally want WvW to succeed.
In WoW you get kicked for low ilvl
In GW2 you get kicked for low AP.
I find the GW2 way a hell of a lot more hilarious.
I think It would be best if you were to stop playing.