Showing Posts For baristaman.9472:

Buff and Tweak Guild Claiming

in WvW

Posted by: baristaman.9472


The lack of incentive to defend is one of the more prominent issues at the moment. I suspect that this is mostly due to the clear economic benefit of taking towers and keeps and the difficulty of “zerg busting”.

The simplest and quickest solution I see is altering some of the numbers and abilities of guild claiming. There is already the ability to boost stats in order to compensate for population differences and increase the magic find stat, yet the numbers as they stand don’t quite make a stalwart defense lucrative. I’m curious if pumping up those numbers might be enough to entice more people to defend?

Player Communication & the Commander Tag

in WvW

Posted by: baristaman.9472


I like having the guild claiming factor in. I figure griefing and abuse are one of the bigger concerns in providing players more ways to communicate, especially given the cooperative environment GW2 promotes. Associating those communications with a guild could decentivize abuse of the system.

Player Communication & the Commander Tag

in WvW

Posted by: baristaman.9472


As I have participated in WvW and observed some of the larger scale strategies and politics involved, I’ve noticed that reliance on map, guild, and say chat windows for coordination and communication between players is one of the games more frustrating aspects. The community of server and guild websites and VOIP servers as well as well as the official forums alleviate some of that pressure, but a more robust system of communication in the game would greatly improve player experience in WvW, especially those players who don’t frequently participate.

I think the commander tag and WXP is great vehicle for delivering a variety of communication tools. My initial thoughts are…

-Bulletin board/message of the day for keeps/garrisons/castle
-The ability to set squad or map wide waypoints(not for travel, think personal waypoints)
-Preset commands on hot buttons (Stack!, Push!, Defend!, ect.)
-Visual distinction and display options for commander tags to facilitate running multiple groups

Tl;DR – Commanders need better communication tools in WvW because, man…pubbies! amirite?

Enemies becoming Invulnerable during combat.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: baristaman.9472


I have noticed this as well, but I suspect it is working as intended to prevent excessive training of mobs. Unfortunately, as it is currently implemented, the current system seems to trigger their auto retreat/regen a bit too often/quickly to the point of making underwater combat against risen putrifiers in Orr nearly impossible while soloing (dependent on whether you have included stability in you build or not of course).