Showing Posts For bballallan.3985:
im pretty sure you dont because those areas include the jumping puzzles and my friends have gotten them without it
yes i have been there
My Elementalist named Bballallan has gotten everything it needed for world completion and still has yet to get the achievement or the world completion token. Ive gotten all WvWvW spots and all Captials and all leveling places.
Please get back to me Ive made tickets and Ive also made a different post. HELP!
Yes i did do all the borderlands and i made a ticket and they didnt get back to me its been a longgg time like at least 2 weeks
I have completed every zone completely and i havent gotten the World Completion achievement or anything its stuck at 99%, Missing 6 Waypoints, 7 Point of Interests, 4 Vistas Please get back to me.
Character Name: Bballallan
Server: Maguuma