Showing Posts For bbhlarithrial.4982:
Hey everyone,
I wanted to address the idea of moving world linking to monthly instead of every 2 months, since it is being brought up more and more frequently.
The team isn’t opposed to this idea; we actually think it would be beneficial to move to monthly because it would allow us to iterate faster on how we are calculating which worlds should be linked. However, the main reason for not doing this right now is the matchmaking algorithm, Glicko. Each time we shuffle worlds via world linking it takes about 4 weeks’ worth of matches before Glicko begins to reliably match make those new worlds into balanced matches. If we did world linking monthly, Glicko would not be able to create balanced matchups.
Our next priority poll is going to be asking if players would rather have us work on adding rewards to skirmishes (and possibly other feedback items being collected from this thread) or replace Glicko matchmaking with a 1-up 1-down system (wherein the winner moves up a tier and the loser moves down a tier.) The 1-up 1-down system should work better with monthly linkings than Glicko, so we are most likely going to hold off on 1 month linkings until that system is in.
Another possibility we could pursue is 1 month linkings, but use the Glicko offset system to guarantee the matches. Alternatively, we could manually change Glicko ratings to what we believe they should be for each world. Either option would force worlds to start out closer to being in the correct tier and thus give better matches faster. These options are contentious, so even if everyone on the forums seemed to like this idea it would be something we would poll on.
1 month linking won’t be good for anything but Gem Sales… It’s not enough time for servers to work together and linking was never going to be anything more than a band aid for a head wound. What it’s done is promote band wagon mentalities that are a big reason WvW is losing it’s appeal for a lot of us.
Glicko doesn’t work. 1- up, 1 – down might be worth a try to stabilize things. I see conversations all the time about people trying to manipulate Glicko, just to cut off their nose to spite their face. There needs to be a good incentive to stabilize a server, work together and build something, for WvW to work now. At this point, the system makes it more attractive to just server hop to a paired server, have all the numbers, none of the skill and win anyway :\
P.S. JQ isn’t “Full”. Knock that off :P
There’s a weird skill/portal lag that seems to only be affecting a bunch of us (according to map chat) in tier 1, on EBG. The other BLs and PvE content are fine. Today, after a particularly obnoxious lag spike, skills 1,2,3 on my bar flashed continuously and skill 1 would not stop. Couldn’t switch weps, chat was fine, could move fine and could look at the map, but could not wp. Had to end task in task manager to get out of EBG. o.O
This won’t solve anything. It will alienate the loyalists, cause chaos for a couple of months, then be stuck with same issue.
You need to solve bandwaggoning.
Bandwagoning takes gems…why would they “solve” a revenue source? Of course when we all get tired of being horribly unbalanced or tired of hopping servers and there’s nobody playing, nobody will be buying gems for anything…
I have to say, with the recent changes JQ is by far the best server I’ve been part of over the years.
I’d also like to add that new players are welcome. You don’t have to be part of an elite guild group to join us. I’m happy to help people get up to speed and enjoy the fun we’re having on JQ.
I was really hoping that the pairing was a temporary solution to the problem. If the servers change frequently, it will be difficult to build good relationships, good tactics, good cooridination. between servers. We’ll always be in that awkward, ineffective “dating” stage. I realize it would be good for gem sales because the people that don’t want to have to work to get stuff done or build something solid, will always find a way to buy gems to transfer and keep the numbers on their side, but I think it’s a bad decision for WvW in general and could do more harm than good in the long run. If pairing is required because Anet has more servers than players, leave the pairings as they are. Let us have a chance to find which one fits us as guilds or individuals and let them build from there. Give two days of free transfers and let everyone figure out where they want to stay. Then the cards can lay where they fall (we can call the “free” transfer even for the cost of the expansion :P )
Most of this sounds good. The ‘prime time’ thing could definitely be problematic for servers that are already outnumbered most of a given time block. It would be really nice if there were a way to open/close server transfers based on active wvw participation and not overall server population. Other than that the only thing I disagree with is people pretending like they transferred around ‘just because’. o.O
There’s an invisible wall keeping you from being able to interact with the seal at Dirtclaw Cleft in Iron Marches.
1) Still happening to a lot of people. I’ve not heard of a solution, even though it’s been months and months and months since it was first reported in the bug forums.
2) Mine does this if someone says something and then leaves. Party chat for example will do this to me if I’m on another tab and the last person in the party types something, then leaves the party before I read it.
I too had my fps tank after the “bugdate” (my endearing term for updates, since they always come with them). I went from ~60 to ~20, no matter what settings I chose. Updating the drivers for my Nvidia GTX970 to the most recent WHQL one on Nvidia’s site has me back around 60.
32 gb DDR3
GTX 970
Still show 10/19, have them all. No reply at all to my ticket :\
I have some guildies having this issue too. Invis/Online does not help. Restarting client does not help. Not being able to communicate with your guild in GUILD wars, is silly.
P.S. My guild chat tab never changes colors when there’s new entries. The other tabs are fine.
Still happening to me too. Every time I leave a party or the second to last leaves the party (so that I’d be the only one if I didn’t CTD). Also happens when I leave PvP Lobby, frequently. It’s been happening since Disaster Patch. Not the end of the world but a fix would be groovy :P
"Connection error(s) detected. Retrying..."
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: bbhlarithrial.4982
Getting this same behavior
edit this spontaneously resolved. I didn’t change anything, it just started connecting again /shrug
(edited by bbhlarithrial.4982)
Location – California, USA
What – Skill Delay, general lag and disconnected with the message “The game client cannot connect to the logon server” (or something right along those lines).
When – Completely random. I’ve been disconnected while crafting, in Fractals, right after Waypointing to Dry Top. The lag and the skill delay, same thing, completely random (although last week WvW seemed exaggerated in the symptoms).
Additionally – Given the diversity in these posts and the fact that the same thing is happening to guild mates in Chile, Australia, both coasts of the U.S., I think we can rule out a location specific problem. It would be nice to be able to play the game again without this nonsense.
Who on SBI kittened off the devs?
Seriously though, the match-making system in the middle tiers is not okay… Can we fix this? Kthnxbye
The build from around 4pm PST today has now crashed my game 4 times in about 10 minutes. My game was just fine before the new build. This was while standing still in Sparkfly. The only thing I was doing was trying to join on a party member to get to the same instance (the first crash I was actually in the right instance and standing still). Please fix.
Crashing a lot since the update today. I was very rarely crashing previously, haven’t changed anything on my side. Hearing a lot of others having the same issue (4 that I know of crashed before Teq just now). Pls fix thnx.
It’s principal. What was in there wasn’t that big of a deal. It just seems like there should be a way to do something about crappy people, that do stupid things…
Is there a list of account names that do this kind of lameness? I’d like to add one to it, if there is…
My installation had come up with a msg occasionally, saying the game detected issues the last time it was open and would ask if I wanted to repair or check the archive. I think it said something about the game shutting down improperly, but it hadn’t in most cases (there was an occasional DC). Today, I chose “exit to desktop”, came back opened up the game and it immediately went to “Repairing Data Archive”. Which seems to be excessively long. What gives?
ANET, please address this issue. It’s been going on way too long and it’s way too frequent. It’s really frustrating to know that something like this isn’t being addressed and is only getting worse. Twice now, trying to level up to 40 Fractals after a long, tedious game, the servers have died. Which brings me to the Dredge Fractal (Underground Facility). Nobody likes it. Please nerf it or replace it or toss it…or something…It’s ruining an otherwise enjoyable (or at least doable for the rewards), experience.