Showing Posts For blasius.4723:

Does the downed mechanic have a place in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


im sooo agreed with OP…please ANet remove rezzing in wvw
if youre dead than you need to rally at start point again..and run!! :P

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

The big problem with WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


well said fortus..
“EDIT I GOT IT! Make outmmanned give the AoE cap increase. I t wont affect the fights for equally matched servers, but for the underdog server they might actually have a fighting chance!!!”

this is a very bright idea….nice please ANET help this fixed

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Daoc Vs Gw2

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


albs-Merlin here,…
yueah….good times with daoc till mythic ruining with stupid expansion ToA..

Gw2 wvw get bored and bored everyday…..doing the same thing everyday.
aoe limitation soooo killing the game ( ppl exploting by zerg balling ..meh )
at early GW2 wvw more fun..ppl spread out..doing tactics etc…

daoc have better society in terms of chatting, social, group finding..need healer!!..
GW2 muuuccchhh better graphics cant compared :P

>>>Please Anet help servers that outmanned…(spawned more guards, better lords,
more supply, etc i dont know just help..
with current wvw its not enough…commander siegecrusher have no effect to zergs,….
with this one fix everybody happy,…outmanned server got chance to defends and for dominated server got more challenge to occupied a keep , ..more fun of course..
yea sorry to say this because when you at outmanned server .. literally you got nothing…to defend
allright, cheers
sorry for my english.

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


hi guys…to DB mostly
thanks alot fight in EB with you guys hell alot of fun..nice..i love it
although we the losing side i must admit DB doing the great job…!!
well WE will be BACK :P
thanks all….cheers V

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

How would you fix Zergwars?

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723



The problem with removing the limit is that it would make most assaults immpossible. Two or three people could easily wipe a whole assaulting group just by dropping a few AOEs outside the things they were defending. Imagine three zerker mesmers all launching a single illusory beserker each, then a warden. The entire enemy group would be instantly downed, and the wardens would finish them off along side the mesmers themselves. Throw in a clone each, hit shatter….and you have guaranteed 3 vs 60 wins.

The limit is needed or you’d go from stagnant to stalemate as everyone is afraid to actually launch an attack against an opponent_

that’s the point… the zerg need to spread out not stacking…let the siege destroy the gate/wall..the 3 mesmers are clever if can defended like you said…and the “doh” zergball if the keep standing there when your 3 mesmers aoe them…

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

How would you fix Zergwars?

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


@ aramanu : lol friendly fire is too much Lmao…

My opinion is that zerging is not the issue.

The real problem is zergballing, stacking as many people as you can in the smallest space possible. Zergballing causes the following issues.

negates aoe damage due to aoe limits leading to damage being spreaded out.
abuses culling
abuses melee aoe by using the 1 spam
abuses boon and healing stacking
generates lag issues that destroys the fun for most people

Culling especially helps the zergball way too much. Culling presents fewer targets for the zergball to instantly murder. It also allows the zergball to concentrate damage on fewer targets at a time, so aoe limits don’t hamper them too much. The effective zergball always charges in quickly so abuse culling as much as they can before the engine updates and limits their damage.

Kill the factors that aid zergballing and zerging is really a non-issue.

LOOK…LOOK!! please ANET…this is the BEST answer…..


Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

How would you fix Zergwars?

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


zerg i think is fine..i love it its like a big scale DAOC
the problems IMO in GW2 is combo2 field stack..stack..stack..thats hurting the play style..
if you remember early battle in GW2 its more challenging than now..
for example when we busting gate door then all of sudden i died 1-2 sec of train STACK combo ZERG.!!!…what the **** …..cant see nothing only effects of aoe all around…..
so imho please ANet dissable combo/stacking in WvWvW ( :P ) so we fight spread out all around in open battle…not stacking zergball…!!

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Sick of thieves having advantage

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723



Losing 2+ v 1 Thief?
Hit your “F” key over your ally when they get downed.
Unless the Thief hastes, he’s not getting the kill

lol…both of ya will in downstate….:P

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

A Random suggestion Fight Through EB [WvW]

in Suggestions

Posted by: blasius.4723


not crazy, i think this is a really good thinking Nug,..hard mode
yea the only problems is the players will be stacked all in ONE battlefield = " EB "..and that is not good…lags, culling, queuing to WvW is really a frustrating (not happening in lower tiers, in T1-T3 ..OMG….)

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723


hi all,
T3 is the best battle i had.. frustated to T1/T2 train combo culling war ..ewww hope Anet had a solution for this…but doesnt bother me nomore since we arrived in T3..
love it T3
thanks DB and yaks for the great battles
please SoS stayed in T3 :P

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Glass Cannon Commanders

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723



I’m contemplating buying a commander tag to help coordinate my guild in WvW….

hi ,
actually depends to what you wanna achieved ..lots of pug joining you? or you focused mainly help to organized your guild members? like zynthetic said what size do you expect to commanding…but i assumed you helping your guild members from your quote..
for me i think you need 2 set of gears PVT (zerg followers)and zerker (small-medium followers)
1000% agreed to “Squibbles.8724” : the more time you’re spending trying to stay alive/dps, the less time you’re thinking about the battlefield as a whole."
why you need tons of dps while commanding and died quickly? just give that job to your followers … you lead , cc-ed(traps ,cripple etc)- aoe

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723



I think this will be a true test to whether Anet listen to the community or not.

This patch will absolutely make or break my decision to stick with this game long term

….1000% agreed..
Anet should see the majority from players…if most of us disappointed ..ppl left and then what happen? ..merging servers ? then the game goes down…imho ( i just remember daoc )

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: blasius.4723


just wanted to show of her back armor looks like..


Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: blasius.4723


my lovely thief,…


Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

I used to love it

in Elementalist

Posted by: blasius.4723



Need more eles plz, specially D/D, so easy to kill.

hi puandro,
b4 ele dd shining now,…i saw ur vid in youtube and really inspired me alot,…then i saw daphoenix post…
thanks for sharing with us

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Just tried new BM/Healing build in WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: blasius.4723


hi crabbit, very nice build…i like to try it..thanks so much for sharing with me/us as new rangers.
some questions,…is your build friendly with LB ranger for www ?
zho armor is VHCond?
thanks so much

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: blasius.4723



heres my ranger, not bad

sorry , update post…
may iknow what legging is that? thanks

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: blasius.4723


heres my ranger, not bad

hi bio, ..may i know what legging is that?

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: blasius.4723


Daphoenix, want to ask, are you still using ascalon gear? cause in your vid youre wearing winged armor(did you transmuted it?)..i ask this because ascalon gear stat is low compare to exotic lvl 80. or i guess stats didnt matter to you since you are uber god of ele..hehe.

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: blasius.4723


yes….!!!! thanks soo much ANET..this recustomization is uber..untilll….gender? lol i dnt want my strong male warrior name goddess lol hahaha….it should come with name alteration too….well so far this is huge it..thanks

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)