Showing Posts For bllurr.2618:
I am aware that they fixed the spawning at a waypoint while fighting a boss thing, but there are still problems. For example, in CM you can jump up these rocks and run on the mountain to skip half the dungeon. Things like this upset me because I enjoy playing the game and I enjoy trash pulls.
I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch (and even before that) and if there is one thing I have realized about dungeons is that people have found ways to cheese their way through them. what I mean by this is that people are finding places where they can stand during a boss fight at just auto attack him from range and the boss will just sit there and do nothing. It makes it very boring for players who actually want to experience all the content the way it was supposed to be played while the rest of the group just looks for a faster way to finish the dungeon and get their tokens at the end. Hope this is something you guys can resolve.
Thank You, Bllurr