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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: boysie.4851


Squashing the town clothes like Anet did, sucks. Made the game a lot less fun for me and my daughter who plays more than I. I think after looking through the previous posts by others it ought to be obvious they made a mistake. I’ll see if I can try to help my daughter get over the ugly looking characters she has now. I guess if she wants to do tons of grinding to get the 13 gold it take to changes a skin she might give it a shot, but chances are she’ll get way board before then and the game will get shelved along with a lot of other games that don’t make the cut any longer.
Anet, you ought to fix this.

Recent upd. ruined experience of the game: Transmut. Charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: boysie.4851


I think I saw a 100 gems for about 9+ gold. One transmutation is 150 gems, so around 15 gold I estimated, my math is probably off, I was ball parking it.
Regardless, she used to be able to have a set of city clothes she could wear and then her adventure gear, not anymore, and now each time she would want to switch something it would cost her money. Do I have that right?

(edited by boysie.4851)

Recent upd. ruined experience of the game: Transmut. Charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: boysie.4851


No offense, but this update just made the game almost unplayable for my daughter who spends a lot of time dressing up her characters before questing, etc. Just took the fun right out the game for her. Not being able to change wardrobe items with out paying gems is greedy and kind of makes me regret spending money on this game and letting my daughter even play it. It took me a while to even figure out what happened, then when I did and saw how many gem/gold piece it would take per change of outfit I was flabbergasted to put it mildly.

Am I missing something here? How does it make sense for it to cost nearly 15 gold pieces to change a pair of gloves? Again, am I missing something here, I feel I must be.