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Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bravemoon.8053


personally i still think its pretty awesome. its just right now there is Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2. the beauty with guild wars though.. doesnt matter. lack of a monthly fee is nice


if you dont like WvW and structured pvp
and you dont like the dungeons
and you dont like the leveling
and you dont like the exploring
and you dont like the crafting
and you dont like the trading

why did you buy GW2 in the first place??

also, for those that said the game is getting boring.. what do you want? 100 hours of brand new content every month? a raiding system?

well, at least regarding the 100 hours of new content every month.. i think we all know this is unrealistic.

as for a raiding system.. get a ton of people together and take on some of the major world bosses in the game. they are out there for people to conquer if you want. .and the beauty is the boss scales with the amount of people.. its the best kind of raid.. the one you make yourself.

as for ‘end game gear’.. there are soooo many ways to get gear in this game it insane. and they purposely made it this way.. if you are looking for a game that pigenholds you into going one of two ways – end game pvp.. or raiding.. i think WoW might be the better game for you.

my 2 cents.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bravemoon.8053


here’s the thing..

for most of GW2, you dont need a group finder. the content scales accordingly, and you dont get penalized for assisting other players.

however, for dungeon content, you most certainly need to form a group.. and right now, to do that you need to either join a guild or sit in chat until a group forms..

i shouldnt have to join a guild just to see a dungeon. also, why should my guildmates be required to group up with me every time i want to do a dungeon. right.. they shouldnt.

so what is the alternative? well, at the moment its go to the dungeon entrance and sit around waiting for a group to form. yeah, that sounds fun :/

i understand getting a group may not take as long as a traditional trinity MMO.. but im still sitting around looking at a chat window until the group is ready… again, how is that fun?

why not have a system in place that allows you to continue playing other content while you are looking for a group. how does that ‘ruin the community’?

here’s a hint.. IT DOESNT

just my 2 cents.