Showing Posts For briantoop.1792:

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


Still kicking kittens all over the place!!

SoS #1 three weeks in a row!

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


We need players back from Planetside 2 cause that game is garbage! lol

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


  1. for the second week!! Go SoS! Go HUG!!

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


We are still looking for more players to help out the ranks!

Drop us a line and see how much fun you can be having

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


I believe we have taken, and sealed 1st place!! GJ HUG!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


We have fun!!!!!

(edited by briantoop.1792)

Week of 11/16: SBI vs JQ vs SOS

in WvW

Posted by: briantoop.1792


SoS Worked hard to get here (from 10th to now 1st!). We haven’t lost a match in weeks.

Excuses excuses.

Bring it, you can still win it. Don’t give me that “next week waa waa qq” horse poo

We’ve been working for this, and its been amazing fights all over. Great job by all, epic battles all over SBi Borderlands.

Cheers to all, now stop making excuses and come take Redlake Tower already!!

Best of luck to all, and stop forum trolling about “well this, well that” and bring it to the Borderlands!!

We are having the same issues as you. Excuses will not be tolerated!!

-HUG Assistant GM

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


Stormbluff Isle 47,788 +155
Jade Quarry 47,251 +170
Sea of Sorrows 62,180 +370

Edit: for commas

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


update 3 Commanders

and drunk chicks on vent during wvw

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: briantoop.1792


Our NA presence is saving money

GJ guys, great match.

Hope to see you all next week!

We don’t want to beat the dead horse, enjoy easy cap backs!