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Make Karma Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


That is the error in your thinking. From the perspective of the game….you are not being rewarded, your character is. The key element in this type of game is “Roleplaying”. And again think of the basic definition of karma, I know no one in history has ever said “I have just done a good deed, I wish you to have all rewards tangible or otherwise bestowed on you instead of me”.

Make Karma Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


My point was karma by its basic definition is a reward for your good deeds. That is YOUR good deeds, if you do something good your friend/relative/alt does not get the same reward. Sure its treated as a type of currency but has a different meaning that gold.

WvWvW Q Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I think that is a bit excessive though I do think the queues should prioritize level 80s in some way over lowers. Lower levels have more to do outside WvW than an 80 would.

Make Karma Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


Definitely no. Karma is awarded and spent based on your characters influence in the area. A new character doesn’t have that influence because it has not done anything in that area. The most stretch i’d see being useful would be like buying account bound karma tokens so you can transfer say 500 karma at the cost of like 1000 karma.

"Run To Target"

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


Why dont they just make the game play itself for you? Seriously? Sure adding a more visible targeting icon (or a setting to adjust it yourself) would be nice but a follow, face, or stick option is just silly. Part of playing a character is actually being mobile.

I play a guardian too.

Victory or Death Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brokeit.8346


RNG Working as intended, sure it sucks but that’s the name of the game. That is why there is crafting, legendaries, magic find, karma merchants, etc

Monsters are turning invulnerable when I kite them too well

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I’ve noticed that as well, it is particularly annoying when you take into account the fact the ranger short bow designed for kiting (evade+swift, slow, stun/daze).

This game needs PvP Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


No, the pvp focus in this game is WvW which is why that is the only place to get real rewards for participating in. The other stuff is just to fill time, not to be a total secondary system.

Scale XP to character level, but scale level down lower

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


You mean “boost” your friend — which is a poor solution and design choice, in my opinion. It’s a concept left over from MMOs in which YOU going into the zone with your friend had no direct reward, other than helping him mow through and get faster XP.

Here you can actually play with him, and have your high level character rewarded for doing so, which is a much better solution. As I said in the reply above this one, I find the downscaled content too easy (and obviously others do as well), and would prefer it was just a tiny bit harder so that the lower level content was even more relevant.

I think either I wrote it backwards or you read it backwards but what I was looking for is an increase in the scale down level not normal levels to be scaled up. Basically instead of an area having you scaled up to area level + 1…make it area level + 3 or something in that range. You can still get into trouble if you’re not careful but its much more forgiving, makes exploring other racial areas easier without much harassment, and still gives a little bit of a challenge depending on what you attack.

Make it easier to see red circles on the ground. [color blind mode?]

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I am not color blind and still have issues seeing the circles especially when there are a lot of other things going on on the ground. This is exacerbated by the fact that most of the circles seem to appear as the ability is going off so its too late to do anything about it anyways. Cast bars would definitely assist in seeing if something needs to be done to avoid being hit.

What do you think about adding PVE EXP into SPVP somehow?

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


No, the main PVP focus in this game is WvW. SPvP is more of a luxury for the chunk of people that want even timed/static matches. This is why you’re given level 80, access to all skills and traits, and gear. You also notice that you only get cosmetic rewards for competing in SPVP. In WvW you only get scaled to 80 so you dont get run over and so you can contribute a tiny bit. You dont get access to more traits or extra skill points, and your gear is what you got. That is why events grant small amounts of xp when completing them and why you can get stat rewards for contributing.

Scale XP to character level, but scale level down lower

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I think they should just increase the allowed level difference by a level or 2 to give higher levels a bit more of an advantage in an area without making it overkill. Then you can more easily help your friends and get around easier without being harassed as much by aggro.

Some Classes Need More Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I think there are enough weapons but what i’d like to see is more skills for each weapon, so basically main hand weapons could have 5 skills (1 general attack (auto) + 4 other), and you pick the 2 other ones you want to use.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


Thin out the mobs in many zones. I don’t really have time to actually see the world as I’m always in combat. Even when I kill something and stop to look around, they respawn in seconds, sometimes even two will spawn in that spot. I want to be able to enjoy the world, not be constantly, constantly fighting.

Its called Guild WARS not Guild Vacation….har har har.

But seriously, a little more time between respawns and some maps are way too dense. Straits of Devastation for example there is almost no place you can stand and not get aggroed by something

Non aggro for weak enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


First, to get to level 80 you probably opened most of the map anyway. As for the rewards, what do you gain? XP? Karma? gold? who needs it at 80? Its a pittance at higher levels.

Firstly, there are a lot of maps that you dont touch getting to 80, especially the race specific areas. Secondly you need all XP, Karma , AND gold at 80…you still gain skill points for “leveling” which you use to buy special items for crafting legendaries (or buying the rest of your skills if you haven’t) . You need karma for gear as well! Gold goes without question, upgrades, gems, crafting, alts, need it all. Do you even play this game or am I being trolled right now?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: brokeit.8346


I’ve read a lot of great suggestions here keep up the good work! Also kudos to anet for a very smooth launch and a very stable and enjoyable game this far, a few tweaks and you can easily have the new go to game to play.

I liked many of the ideas I saw like the event scaling so people can get contribution, adding contribution for support abilities (boons, combo fields, heals, etc), better dungeon order (less “graveyard zerging”), and better more class useful rewards for events, completions, and loot options for some components (rare items, wvw tokens). I also have a few more game smoothing suggestions:

  • Trading Post – Remove the ability to post on the TP from anywhere. I know this will bother some players but making the botters have to go to town to post makes it so they can’t run 24/7 in the field and keeps the economy in check. Do not remove the ability to browse the TP globally.
  • Trading System – trading player to player is much much more secure since you dont have to trust the other person to stick to their agreement and it is much quicker than putting a mail together (and doesnt fill your mailbox!).
  • Level Scaling – Increase the level you are scaled down to by 1 or 2 levels. This gives people who like easier fights a chance to out level an area for more comfort. This also allows people returning to explore less chance at being harassed.
  • Combat Slow – remove the in combat slow effect and just give creatures a slow ability to randomly use. It is difficult to try and keep up with a large group of people when you get hit by a stray aoe or use a leap/teleport and accidentally hit something and fall way behind. At least if you have an effect, you can avoid it with an evade or block (aegis). Suspending the swiftness effect when in combat should stay.
  • Player View – Increase the field of view and allow for more zoom. I have a large monitor and still feel way too close.
  • Targeting – I’m sure this is more a bug than a suggestion but turning my camera or character shouldnt result in me chaning my target, only tab or a physical click should target something. If my mouse moves with a button down it should not target. The tab target system needs a little more work too, it is pretty good but I still find myself having to tab cycle when, what seems like the most likely target, is not the next one selected. This may be the case as well but have the first target that attacks you be auto targeted.
  • Auto Attack – thank you for thinking of my hand and keyboard and allowing abilities to be autoattack (when it works). I really have 2 suggestions here, firstly would be to make it a more hard toggle. What I mean is unless my current target dies and I am not considered in combat it should not turn off. It should also always turn on when using another ability. If I dont have a target I should just sit there looking stupid but swing only when I select a target. Basically there needs to be 3 character/weapon states: sheathed, unsheathed, and ready to attack/attacking (in combat).
  • ESC button priority – hiting the esc button should have a priority list: close open windows in front to back order (unless option is checked) > cancel ability being cast > clear target. Currently there is no quick way to cancel a casting ability and it seems I need to press esc 2 or 3 times before it will clear a target.
  • Ability cooldowns – if I use a single target ability and the target is out of range it shouldnt cast. I realize that the game uses a projectile system so the bolt might hit something but that should be rectified by me switching to a target in range, not the game using an ability and me waiting on a CD because it went off before a range check was made. If I use an aoe and it hits nothing then it should still go on cd.
  • Home WP – ability to select a home WP that you can pay a larger fee up front and always travel to for free would be nice. Would have to physically be at the WP and could select it as your home, there should also be a quick option on the map to travel there rather than having to seek it out (and a more unique map icon for it).

(edited by brokeit.8346)