Showing Posts For brometheus.6928:

[Suggestion] Improving Hairstyles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brometheus.6928


Would be great if they had some male Charr ones that made sense too? Females still got a better look than most Charr. I also demand more Norn Beards!

Ranger Bugs (Updated)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brometheus.6928


Still no fix for the petless bug in HoTM! Thanks Anet!

Ranger pet bugs after Sept 29 patch [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brometheus.6928


They still haven’t fixed this bug. Unbelievable. Lol. It’s not a minor bug either.

Whats the best trapper build for spvp?

in Ranger

Posted by: brometheus.6928


Best trap build is one that applies conditions and keeps them on. What’s important for traps is to watch your cooldowns, keep track of what you’re doing with your weapons, and make sure you’re applying your pets conditions -on cooldown-.

My build.

This build is oriented towards clearing conditions through healing spring. You have to maintain standing in it while getting into fights. If you want to sacrifice doing damage for condition clear, you might want to just stop playing traps and go to carrion/survival SB/S/T

Traps are about keeping your enemy distracted. The dagger and sword both have evades that are great ways to avoid being hit besides dodge rolling, keeping your enemy utterly rooted in your traps. Additionally, the spider has a root for an f2, and the Reef Drake’s confusion is one more condition that will drive the enemy insane. Your last resort should be using entangle while they burst your traps and use taunt on cooldown.

Ranger Bugs (Updated)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brometheus.6928


Recent bug! My pet cannot be activated in PvP zones! No matter how many times I click “Activate Pet” it doesn’t work. It works fine in Pve/WvW, but in the PvP lobby I simply cannot summon my pets. It’s immensely irritating -.-

Ranger pet bugs after Sept 29 patch [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brometheus.6928


I’m having the same issue, but it appears to not be a common one given the lack of people reporting it on here.

Pets in PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: brometheus.6928


Alright, after coming home and patching, I no longer seem to be able to use pets in PvP and ONLY in PvP. They can’t be activated whatsoever. Does anyone have this issue as well? Is there a talk of a fix in the works?