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Condition Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: calidus.4381


I’ve been playing off and on since launch, but am only around level 60. That said, I’ve been having an increasingly difficult time with PvE. It has become so frustrating that I’ve almost given up on my Thief multiple times, especially seeing how my alts and my non-Thief friends just cruise through content.

Anyway, I recently respecced into a heavy condition (bleed) build, putting as much as I could in + condition dmg/duration, and picking traits that go along with it. I basically spam caltrops (through the dodge trait and the actual skill) and Death Blossom. It turns out that the majority of the fight I’m not even able to be hit, between the constant evades of dodging and DB. In the meantime, my enemy has a constant stack of about 12+ bleeds on them at all times, and are basically perma-crippled. This also works excellent for taking out large groups of enemies.

If I ever get into trouble, I switch to P/D and just keep applying bleeds and cripples, while keeping my distance.

So far, it isn’t super quick and the burst damage is super low, but it has been working well. I even tried it in sPvP with great success.

Any thoughts on this build/idea?

(edited by calidus.4381)

Help? Missed the Mad King. Am I screwed?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: calidus.4381


Looks like the only one I see is the costume brawl one.

Help? Missed the Mad King. Am I screwed?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: calidus.4381


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but where do I find out what the dailies are?

Help? Missed the Mad King. Am I screwed?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: calidus.4381


I’m trying to complete “A Sweet Friend.” I’ve got pretty much everything done, but still not the “13” needed for A Sweet Friend.

I was away on Halloween day, and missed The Mad King Says.

Am I screwed? Is there any other way to finish this?


Isn't warrior a little bit OP in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: calidus.4381


I’ve played every class but Guardian so far, in PvE and PvP.

I am sort of confused by the Warrior class; it does everything so well and so easily compared to the others.

Playing the Warrior feels sort of like playing with a handicap boost. It performs as well or better than every other class, but does it twice as easily and hassle-free.

It actually makes me sad, because it both makes me want and not want to play one for all the wrong reasons.


in Thief

Posted by: calidus.4381


Perhaps I’m ignorant because my Thief is the only character I’ve really put any PvE time into (I have alts but mostly just do SPvP with them), but PvE has been easy as heck with my Thief.

I’m in my low 20s, and been building for crit and damage. I use dual daggers 90% of the time, and use the shortbow for quick-travelling and occasions where I need to get out of dodge or hit from afar.

Basically, this is how fights go for me:

Single mob: Cloak & Dagger, backstab, autoattack combo, heart seeker. The end.
(The C&C/backstab and autoattack order is interchangeable, obviously.)

Multiple mobs: Pretty much the same as above, except may throw in a Death Blossom or two, and will use my other Stealth skills for more backstabs.

Mobs go down hilariously fast with this method. I’m always watching other people have drawn out fights while I just cleave through stuff and keep going.

The above of course doesn’t even factor in when I use Steal, which just makes the kill that much faster usually.

My crit chance is over 50% (not including the 7% bonus for being on the sides/rear). I can kill your average mob in around 5 seconds.

If you get into trouble, just dodge, stealth/heal, switch to bow and teleport, etc.

I can’t stand the short bow for actual primary combat, as it does SUCH low damage, but I like the teleport for travel.

I dabbled with pistol + dagger last night, and again it was hilariously easy. Bleed em a few times, use rapid shot skill, if they get close either use the stab/teleport or just throw a dagger. I literally don’t even get hit with this method, it just doesn’t kill as insanely fast as my daggers so I don’t bother.

I have a Guardian friend who dies way more often than me, does way less damage, and travels at half my speed.

Am I just not aware of the ease and awesomeness of other classes in PvE?

(edited by calidus.4381)