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Thank you all for the replies. I just managed to complete the event.
Now what I did was interact with the tank from the right side and just an inch behind the front right wheel. Doing this I had no issue with being “thrown out” of the interaction except when an undead slipped through and hit me. Any other place interacted with however threw me off immediately.
I have reached the level 80 quest The Steel Tide, wher I have to use a Charr Tank to fight back an army of risen.
My problem is the quest is bugged, well that or the camera keeps interrupting me. The issue is that every time I start moving the gun barrel, I am automatically kicked from interacting with the tank, and when I interact with it again the gun barrel has in the meantime continue to strafe to the far left or right thus making it technically impossible for me to hit any single enemy with the tank.
I have tried killing enemies in hordes directly, but they keep coming, so I’m guessing you have to use the tank and kill X number of enemies with the tank, only problem: I can’t.
I hope anyone here can help me with some insight as to how on earth they did this quest considering how bugged it is.
I don’t know how you feel about spoilers on that kind of stuff, but if you’re ok with it I have found two great explanations on what you can do in Act I these days:
For the event I recommend Guild Wars Insider:
For the achievement hunting I recommend watching WoodenPotatoes video on youtube, his is the best at explaining what to do:
Some pretty fun stuff ANet has included in the Halloween events, I’m looking forward to other holidays if this is the level of detail they plan on putting in everytime.
I’ve done most of the dungeons in storymode, and are usually running a couple of explorables per day for my exotic gear.
Yes, you will find players wanting to speed run, skip certain encounters (which can be extremely annoying and confusing if you haven’t tried it before), and who will complain if you don’t know what you’re doing. This is unfortunately part of what comes with playing a MMO. You will find these more often in Orr and explorable Arah than in other explorable dungeons though.
BUT I have generally found that GW2 players are nice and will help explain encounters for you when needed. Whenever I start a storymode or explorable mode unknown to me, I start off by saying upfront “Guys, just to let you all know, this is my first time in here, so please let me know any necessary strategies for the fights”. Based on this I have never experienced complaints or complained myself, it’s a first time for everyone and as long as you are open and upfront about it, then it’s fine.
And if you for whatever reason find yourself in a group with players wanting to speed run and generally complain and don’t help you, my recommendation is leave, typically that’s the type of player, who views the game as a job (read: take to seriously) instead of just having fun. That’s what I do anyway.
That’s where the OP goes wrong. It is not a stealth ability, it’s magic! We are elementalists after all :-)
Mostly “Winged” with Whisper’s helm and Svanir boots
Oh my, now I wish I had made a male elementalist instead of a female. Male Winged model look so much better than the female winged model.
If you study the achievements, which area of the world have you unfinished? There are some called Ascalon (charr areas), Krytan etc.
On very easy to miss is a very well hidden entrance to a jumping puzzle in Mount Maelstrom, it’s in the top left corner behind some bushes. You need to go into the cave to get it.
Another is in the Asura starting zone to the far right side (below Cuatl waypoint). It is called Oola’s Lab and is only accessible through a dynamic event series, but it is a must to receive 100%.
As I understand legendaries you need to craft 2 gifts for it, which the girl next to the mystic forge sells the recipes for. These recipes require craft level 400 to learn the recipe, so yes you need to be at 400 in that particular craft.
Regarding MF and chests having used countless MF food buffs and worn several items gaining MF when running the jumping puzzles in Lions Arch, I can safely say that I haven’t seen any difference in loot (I might be extremely unlucky though). As I understand it, what MF does is it provides enemies with a higher chance to drop loot one tier higher than standard for their level, and that’s it. This means your chance of getting tier 6 crafting mats will be higher from e.g. enemies in Cursd Shore the more MF you have.
Stop playing for while and move on to another game, then come back at a later time perhaps? For you to have finished all this that fast, you might just have burned youself out a bit to fast.
Personally I spend countless hours exploring each map to find small hidden puzzles and dungeons, but it sounds like that is not something you would find appealing (afterall different people enjoy different things), but then you have the beauty of a subscription free game to leave and come back after a while.
Ah, found it. It was Aurora’s Remains in Brisbane Wildlands hiding from me.
Ye, I do have Calx’ Hideout
so I have completed all the epxlorer achievement for maps except for the Maguuma Jungle. This is stuck at 164 out of 165 possible. I have checked my maps up against those on the wiki site and the carthographer site, and I know for a fact that I have every single place oncovered which has a name, also I can’t seem to find any area covered in fog.
Right now I am down to two thoughts: Either that achievement is bugged, or the Polymock Arena is required to visit to get the achievement, in which case it will be impossible to get the achievement until they release said arena.
Does anyone have any idea of what else I might be missing here? Any help would be greatly appreaciated.
Just to confirm the bug. I have the same issue, tried both overflow servers and the world server. It is not possible to interact with panel.