Showing Posts For captain kid.8635:

I'm still having fun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

Yes, I’m sure that’s what people in Star Wars said just before everyone left. And the happy majority, as we all know, lives happily ever after in whatever game they are now playing.

But Star Wars was a subscription MMO, so the comparison is inapt. You can’t “leave” GW or GW2 in any way that affects Arenanet’s bottom line, because you’ve already paid them all the money you’re going to pay them for the game as it is atm.

It’s an empty threat.

If you believe that, you really don’t understand the importance of microtransactions in Anet’s business model. Its not just there for “extra” spending money. Its an integral piece of the revenue projections.

If they really wanted to make lots of money they would sell 50 different medium (and light, heavy) armor types instead of only ONE. There is in my opinion nothing worth buying in the gem store except bank space.

No, I think the box price more then enough covers their expenses and profit, especially since they sell their own digital copy instead of having to pay steam 33%.
Server cost is next to nothing these days and tons of single player games give away free content without a cash shop.

I'm still having fun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

Agreed. Anet, PLEASE don’t listen to the whiners. Most of us are having loads of fun as-is. Keep to the vision that you made.

Yes, stay on target.

Why I feel guild representation is not a good idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

100% disagree. I understand where you’re coming from, guild loyalty and what not but I love being able to switch guilds easily and see which fits best. Without all the drama of actually leaving a guild.
I LOVE this system.

Black Lion Trading Co is ripping me of?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

There is also a 10% fee when you sell your stuff. So you pay 5% when you list it and another 10% when someone buys it. The game does not tell you this for some reason.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

Agreeing with the OP, a mouse look UNTILL you hold the right mouse button would be cool, also, having a crosshair in the centre of the screen when in this mode and having mouse cursor always reverting to the centre when we pop back into cursor mode would be useful.

You know, a cross hair would be cool to have. I use manual targeting (or whatever the game calls it) so I can hit things while looking at them, even ranged. Needless to say, aiming like this is not perfect.

I thought this game HAD controller support, would make a lot of sense, since it plays (especially with manual aim) like an 3th person action game, Devil may cry style.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

I think you can adjust that in options.. There are quite a bit of targeting options. I myself have it set up like you described, can be trouble sometimes when you invite a high level creature in to your fight but makes switching to another target more easy. Although still not perfect.

Bring back game update note please

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

I don’t have a problem persé with weekly patch notes, especially now in the beginning when they’re very busy. But they posted notes almost daily and stopped all of a sudden.

I am tired of having to hold mouse 2 all the time

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

I know, this is standard for a mmorpg. You have free look and when you hold Mouse 2 (or whatever button you fancy) you can turn your character.

Please make a toggle in game options where you can reverse this; so if you want to free look, you have to hold Mouse 2.

Not a complaint, merely a suggestion. Keep up the good work!

Bring back game update note please

in Suggestions

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

I like to read game update notes to see what’s changed. But the last one is from September 14. I just noticed you can now flip the pages on your Trading Post activity tab so I know you guys (and girls?) are still busy doing updates!

Or do they get posted somewhere else then the Wiki and forums these days?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

Still haven’t received my lost money. (6.55 and 5.0)

Anyway it seems now I’m getting random money on the pick up tab.

I attached some screenshots, the unidentified dyes I actually sold 8 hours before (not 2) and picked up the money for it to. I’m not 100% sure about this but you can still see the money on the pick up tab does not correspond with the value of the items I’ve sold (see screenshots)

Just happened again, see third screenshot. It could be off course I actually did sell the items but the “items you’ve sold tab” doesn’t work.


(edited by Moderator)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: captain kid.8635

captain kid.8635

Just sold two dyes but never received the money after I hit the pick up button.
Around 2:49 GMT+1 Divinity’s Reach, 13Silver 55 copper.