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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ceth.4706


Server: Darkhaven
Guild Name: The Bloodline Covenant [TBC]

I am the guild leader of our guild. On Aug 25th myself and two other guild members who were representing the guild at the time used our Tome of Influence. I received credit of 1000 influence for mine however the other two members did not add any influence to the guild when the books were used.

We have also recently identified that at least 1 or more guild member cannot access our guild stash. They are told by the guild bank npc that our guild has not built it. We have had our guild bank in place a number of days now with many of our members able to access it. The individual in question was also one of the 2 people who used a Tome of Influence with no effect.

It was made sure that they were representing the guild when they tried to access the guild stash. They also tried to stop representing and then start again. Still no change.

Thank you for your time.

(edited by ceth.4706)