Showing Posts For chaoskane.6213:

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: chaoskane.6213


it’s like 2 weeks already, 13 golds !! I wonder if they will give interest for this lol

What happened to orichalcum ore and ancient wood logs?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: chaoskane.6213


I think someone just want to mess up the market because I keep see someone put 20ish ore at a price that is 12c lower than the lowest cost, then follow by 500+ 12c lower than that to lower the price by 24c in sec, that happen many times in 3 days, that does not make sense cuz ppl tend to put he lowest price or 1c lower than the lowest

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: chaoskane.6213


i actually spend 13g on this box thinking it’s way better than 18g since it is 3g a piece..guess got trolled by arnet