Showing Posts For chopsticks.9853:

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I have a level 80 and 4 alts. Sometimes I play my 80, sometimes I play one of my alts.

With my Alts, obviously I’m leveling, and do zones, and personal story and gathering and crafting.

On my 80, I am going for Map Completion, so currently doing high level zones. I also did my first dungeons yesterday. Also, gathering and leveling crafting up.

I’ll probably play my Alts more now though.


Thanks for they reply. Isn’t this the same thing people do in WoW?

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I no longer play. GW2 is the first mmo that I did not reach level cap in. I wont go into reasons, but I played for about 3 weeks.

My question is, if you are still playing, what are you doing? What do you do on a daily basis?


5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I no longer play. GW2 is the first mmo that I did not reach level cap in. I wont go into reasons, but I played for about 3 weeks.

My question is, if you are still playing, what are you doing? What do you do on a daily basis?


Xfire hours per day almost doubling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Ummm… It’s the weekend. Every game on Xfire almost doubles on the weekend… OP did you know gw2 started with 80k hours played and 9k users?

Not acceptable answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I think the ‘answer’ to the 11000+ thread was not acceptable. We all read the message from Chris Whiteside. Many of the posts were after this response. I believe many of us would like an answer to why the game has taken a drastic turn away from the Manifesto and rhetoric that brought us to buy this game. We want to continue to support this company and game but the answer provided only leaves us with feelings of insecurity, doubt, and regret.

Provide the community with a better response.

If it was done the thread would slide down to the next page, then fade away.

Anet you guys are really swimming up stream now. Telling your community that the discussion is done, is another mistake.

Stop talking down to these guys. They have supported you for years through think and thin. Anet you’ve lost a lot of goodwill, don’t lose their respect.

I'll be honest about the gear and gearchecks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


This is something that existed prior to ascended gear, and was something that we saw happen all the time in GW1, even without any sort of gear progression. Some players, typically people who play the game a lot, tend to only want to play with other players that play like them. They require some sort of proof to get into their party, whether it be displaying your Lightbringer Title, equipping or linking some type of gear, or using some other method of showing that you have already done and are experienced with the content. While ascended gear might be the new excuse, this behavior happens regardless.

While this is not really something that we want to encourage, players do have the choice to play the game in the way they want. We can’t force those players to be all-inclusive in who they invite to the parties they create, and to be honest, doing so would probably make people even more unhappy than they are now, and lead to a lot of undesirable behavior.

Those things you mentioned were artificial barriers… Agony is a real barrier. You know this.

It’s almost like these guys are talking to the community like we’re dumb, or at best, not as smart as them.

Pissing on us and calling it rain.

(edited by chopsticks.9853)

Dissapointed with phase one.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Here’s what she sells:

Black lion key – 285 Commendations. This is absolutely ridiculous. 285? I only got 5. Black chests don’t give anything worth that much effort.

Crude salvage kit – 1 token. This is the lowest tier of salvage kits in the game. They can be purchased from nearly any vendor for 32 copper. So I can get 5 of these. Neat.

Disasembler 3BEK Kit – 25 tokens. A low tier salvage kit with 250 uses… Neat.

Then they sell you versions of all the gathering tools in the game but with 250 uses each instead of the standard 100 uses. Why would I go and work for these commendation points to buy this crap when I can just go to any regular vendor and buy it for a few copper?

Next they sell you Lionguard weapons. They cost 40 commendation tokens each. You have always been able to just buy these from a vendor in lions arch for 9,800 karma per weapon (which is very cheap)

So basically I just wasted 45 minutes to get a fraction of the amount of tokens I need to buy vendor trash I could go and purchase from any vendor in the game for 32 copper – 4 silver depending on what I want. Oh and lets not forget the cool weapons they sell that you’ve always been able to get for a cheap amount of karma… Weapons that you never see anyone with because nobody wants them….

ahaha my friend. you didn’t check out the new halloween chest with skins did you…

So now put new skins in gambling boxes not content. Classy move right there.

Is Guild Wars 2 in trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Rumor has it that swtor cost about 200 million to make. If GW2 sold 2 million copies there isn’t a far stretch that it netted in 98 million of box sales alone at a steady 49 buck per copy. That leaves them about 1.2 million shy of 2 if that is what these games go for now adays.

How much money does the trading post net a day? Good question and I have no idea. I avoid it like the plague but I know people who play LoL and they buy stuff all the time. So that formula works just not sure how it works with GW2.

If the idea behind the Black Lion Chests was to earn some cash then I’m failing at that game because as I said I have 27 and haven’t bought any key. So I’m not helping then any I guess because I’m playing the game and doing everything from within it.

3rd qt report had GW2 at 42 mill. If they are being honest about the sales, I expect some of the 4th qt profit will be differed revenue from the initial box sales.

Is Guild Wars 2 in trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


42 (GW2 3rd qt profit) million ain’t gonna cut it… Idk how much it cost to make GW2, but I bet it cost more than 50 mill on the low end.

It’s gonna take A LOT of cash shop purchases to turn a decent profit. I’m sure they’re not in it to make a 20 or 30% gain…. That’s barley interest on the loan..

I do think the stock drop was because of GW2. Lets be honest most people expected more sales than AION… At this rate B2P is a utter failure for publisher and gamer a like. Pub. doesn’t make money, gamer has no say.

By 1st qt 2013 GW2 will be NCsofts smallest earner. Expect a more aggressive cash shop sooner than later, and freemium model by June of next year.

(edited by chopsticks.9853)

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Oh and when there used to be 200+ spvp server 16/16 now there are maybe 20… There may be some population issues.

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Well when you game starts off with 80k hours played per day and is now down to about 12k… This may lead one to believe that there are issues…

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Though, now that I have had time to think about it… is it possible that the stats on the infusions only take effect when in the Fractals? In which case this is perfectly fine. Infusions wouldn’t affect PvE or PvP/WvW… you would only need better infusions to do Fractal OMFGHARDMODE

:( Till the very end huh?

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


The best part is they specifically said they will use infusion slots to push progress in the future. So even if they don’t add new tiers in the future, expect stronger infusion slots.

This right here.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


So wait, GW2’s entire class balancing is handled by two people?

Did I miss the update were GW2 became an indy production or something…?

I think Jon’s going to regret revealing that detail to us. It explains a lot though. They’re understaffed for some reason.

this explains the hiring. they are just trying to get to normal levels.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


They better not have nerfed Plinx. Half the people in the game will quit.

They already are because of other stuff. This ship is sinking, fast.

lol are you for real? if anything the game is surging in popularity again with the new lost shores stuff

Its the vertical progression gear treadmill that’s coming with the lost shores stuff that will lose a lot of people.

Everyone keeps saying “vertical progression” and “gear treadmill” like those two things haven’t been discussed in dev posts. Either you trust the devs enough to stick to their word on that it’s an intermediary between legendary and exotic, or you don’t. If it’s the latter, then why are you still here? Like it or not, there already was a vertical progression with the existing weapons and armor qualities.

If 3 months pass and they introduce and even higher armor tier, I will gladly eat my words. But considering the stuff isn’t even out yet, I’ll reserve yelling at the top of my lungs about how terrible Anet is until then. And no, I highly doubt Lost Shores will lose anyone. If they are that casual, then they probably don’t even have full exotics yet. I know I don’t, and I do very well for myself in PvE and WvW. Like I said many times in these threads, does it ever occur to you that the new dungeon might be fun? Say, perhaps everyone who refuses to do a current dungeon run…might have fun in the fractals?

How bout those stat infused infusions? There is a whole host of them.

+5 Vit
+5 cond. dmg.

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Yeah that 8% just jumped to about what14%?

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


spvp is a huge success!

Communication Is Needed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


You guys think things are bad now? What until they release the patch notes.

There must be A LOT of pressure coming from the higher ups for all these changes to be made so soon.

Will more powerful gear make you play more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Nope. If the content is not compelling, throwing another tier of gear in wont fix it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Different levels of ascended gear. “This is just the beginning.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


So legendary gear is the only gear guaranteed to be BiS?

Noway I’m I grinding for that stuff. To many good games coming out to be treated like this.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


This company has been playing real nasty with GW2. From gambling on Halloween to flat out breaking it’s manifesto. All within 2 1/2 months mind you.

These guys are setting a hell of a pace.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


Let it buffer, skip to 12:35.

Eric Flannum specifically says “Legendary weapons, ofcourse, are not any more powerful than the top level exotic weapons.”

“Each legendary weapon is based off of an exotic weapon, power wise”

Why are they making legendaries more powerful now? When Eric Flannum says otherwise here?

This cannot be refuted by anyone.

“You wont get a gameplay advantage”

You are preaching to the choir sister. They are backtracking now and making core changes to this game that are against their original design. I just don’t get it.

I just want as many of us to point out to their specific content leads, and producers, and game designers that have publically said one thing, and now going against it. I want to call them out as liars because that is what they are. I am pointing out that they promised and didnt deliver, buckling under the carrot on a stick pressure.

You don’t get a gameplay advantage from a Legendary. Legendary will always have the same stats as the highest non-Legendary item you can acquire in other, generally much easier and faster ways.

The only “advantage” of a Legendary is that it will increase in stats by itself if there is a new tier of armor appearing which is exactly how it should be given the amount of time and resources needed to obtain one.

So, when Eric Flannum says in the video “Legendaries wont be more powerful than the already existing top level Exotics”… That means that its OK for them to throw in better gear than exotics, and bump legendaries to that?

I call that a classic word play right there.

Yeah, that’s perfectly fine and what’s expected to be done if there is any stat increase.

They only mentioned exotics as comparison because they were the highest stats at the time. Legendaries have always been meant to be best in slot along with special skins. It’s just that you’ll always be able to have the same stats with a less interesting skin (which is subjective to begin with), but much easier to obtain item .

Right there you said it… They mentioned exotics because they were the highest stats at the time… until they created a new tier of gear called ascended. That sounds like a gear treadmill to me.

No where in that video, in any manifesto, in any interview or anything did they mention adding in additional gear that is higher than the current level of gear. Never. Not once. But they have said on multiple ocassions that there wont be a treadmill, no grinding, etc etc.

I don’t consider a 1-2% stat increase on items to be any advantage (remember we have 916 base stats), nor the appearance of any treadmill. That just means they want something between Exotics which are super easy to obtain and Legendaries which take months to a normal player.

Besides, there will always be grinding. You are not getting a full set of say CoF armor in one dungeon clear, are you?

You are just complaining over nothing, you’ll see.

It’s about 8% per item.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I’ve never seen such a blatant 180 in design so soon after purchase. If we just sit back and take this, we should expect more of this in the future, not just from Anet, but other developers aswell.

I plan to play Darkfall:Unholy Wars Nov. 20th. That should be enough mmorpg to get me through for a few months until the next batch of mmorpgs start betas.

It’s the principle Anet. We play games from companies we can trust.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I just can’t believe some people are still saying this is not a new tier. Clinical denial.