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Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


uhm…. lol its the lanes fault fault.
just because someone is commander tagged does not mean that you have to follow them off the cliff

The lane failed and that’s fine, but it didn’t JUST affect that lane. It affected the gameplay for everyone on that particular map who was doing the meta event.

there is no commander tag limit (or if there is its not prohibitive at all), nothing stopping anyone else from tagging up

Someone else did tag up. It was too late.

there is map chat so you could communicate maybe this person doesnt know what they are doing and could communicate what does need to be done

There was a storm in the map chat trying to get the troll commander to tag down, but he/she didn’t and was poking fun at the situation. Ok, another person tags up to organize the lane, but it’s too late. Then frustrated people from other lanes (about 40 minutes in) give up and leave. This was a terrible waste of time for a lot of people, and doubly bad was that it had nothing to do with their personal skill. It was out of their hand and in the hands of someone in another lane having some me-me-me-time.

plus each individual player has a responsibility for themselves to have some idea what is going on

I agree. The issue has to do with what I wrote above: the frustrations and wasted time of perfectly competent and organized players.

Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


To address the replies that say this is not an issue because the players in the lane were just playing poorly, it was their own fault, etc.:

1. To some extent, yes. However, this was still a problem for everyone because the other two lanes with adequate organization were still affected. Actually, the players in the other lanes were WAY angrier than the players in the disorganized lane. Some of them switched to the affected lane, but it was too late.

2. The fact that simply tagging up and goofing off could wreak so much confusion and anger during an event like this was really stunning. It’s maybe also indicative of how many players are “trained” to follow commanders, like I mentioned above. This is not a bad thing, but I really think an event as long as Dragon’s Stand (and TD, too) should allow for the event to continue in some form DESPITE the failure of a lane.

Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


Comment on commanders and meta events: Although commanders aren’t needed for PVE events in general, the way HoT works has trained, encouraged, and rewarded players for following (even relying on) commanders, especially in the map meta events. Trolls are a thing and will always be a thing, but if a single troll with a command tag is able to disrupt the gameplay for 60+ players on a map and nose-dive an hour-long meta event into the ground (most eventually became demoralized and gave up), then maybe there needs to be some rethinking about how the event works.

Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


The Tarir events actually work fine if fewer than 4 areas complete or even succeed. It still opens up the final fight inside the city and eventually, they can get into the basement areas even if only one room is open. The basement rooms only depend upon how many successful lanes completed the event.

I think the Dragon Stand event should reflect this as well, especially since so much is riding on the outcome of successful completion. So only 2 out of the 3 lanes complete successfully, that only means appropriate rewards for the ones that did succeed.

I didn’t know this about the Tarir event. That makes a lot of sense. That would be lovely for Dragon’s Stand and Tangled Depths.

Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


In other words, select ‘Botting’ via the Report window to have a GM monitor/review the player’s actions.

Good luck.

I actually reported it as “LFG Abuse” because I didn’t think any of the other labels fit any better. Eh, I’ll see what happens.

Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


The problem will be determining if the commander did badly on purpose or if he was just a new commander to the meta and did badly due to inexperience with no ill intent at all.

If he didn’t say anything in chat that indicates that he was doing it badly intentionally, ANet won’t be able to prove that it isn’t just a bad commander that was too stubborn to take suggestions from the players who knew the meta better than he did.

They will probably find some evidence in the chat. The entire map was calling for the commander to stand down and he/she was making light of it.

Trolling commander in Dragon Stand meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: clark.5839


Where to report player if they use command tag to troll map meta event?

This wouldn’t matter in 99.9% of PVE content, but in a Dragon’s Stand map meta event a commander was intentionally causing disorganization in one of the lanes. It failed of course and thus the entire map failed. Somewhat annoying since the event takes so long and leystone armor requires grinding on this map. Maybe it would be better if individual lanes could succeed and still carry map? The other two lanes were perfectly organized and this really wasted everyone’s time.

Cant buy gems, Error.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: clark.5839


Also having error problems with my mac. I’ve been trying to buy gems since yesterday. Look forward to a fix!