Showing Posts For cristi.2764:

Skill vs Gear

in WvW

Posted by: cristi.2764


DOnt waste you time. Get your self to 80, get an exotic set and practice

It’s not a waste of time if you enjoy playing WvW a LOT more than PvE . You won’t be the MVP of the battle but you can still make a difference if you just stick to stuff you can do ( use ALL of your support spells, always help ressing people – without killing yourself ofc – , follow the main zerg + don’t rush in like a champ, etc ).

I don’t understand why people need exotic gear to be able to have fun…. this is not wow x_@

[Aurora Glade] Looking for WvW guild

in Guilds

Posted by: cristi.2764


Hey all,

I’m looking for an active WvW guild ( i spend 90% of my time ion there after coming back to the game ) to run around with and get stuff done in an organized environment.

I play an elementalist atm, i know what goes where and stuff but am always willing to learn more from others.

Most of all lets have a good time , contact me in-game to talk more.

Does Magic Find work for Mystic Forge? (Trying to get Legendary Precursor)

in Suggestions

Posted by: cristi.2764


Tevesh,you are completely wrong ! Magic find does nothing at resource gathering ! Magic find only counts when you kill mobs and loot their bodies, and at boss chests.
As far as i know magic find doesn’t work with the mystic forge.
Silverghost do not list to Tevesh because he is very wrong.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cristi.2764


Hello there, i know it hasn’t passed 5 days since i made the ticket but someone hacked another account of mine and changed it’s email and password.
I am posting here so fast because ArenaNet didn’t ban the account and someone is playing on my account because i have been informed from the persons in my guild that someone was online yesterday and my account was hacked 2-3 days ago.

The ticked nr is : 120912-002581 created on 09/12/2012
Could you at least ban it untill someone helps me so he can’t take anything from the account anymore ?