I nominate Starillusion.7128. She is the founder and leader of a Pay It Forward program on Tarnished Coast. She wanted the community to be strong and friendly and so she sent a random welcome package to a new player. The message within the package asked that the player pay it forward later on. After that she sent out several more until she enlisted the community to help in aiding her with donations for the welcome packages. The packages consist of three 8+ slot bags, one random dye, and a 10-20 stack of leveling food. To this date she has sent out over 50 packages that I know of. She has helped new players feel welcome and given them something more to start with then just a 4 sot bag, starter dyes, and no food until they discover crafting. Those same new players get their footing and pay it forward in some small or large way, thus keeping TC a friendly and welcoming community.