Showing Posts For cyprien.8239:
Hey i tried to sign up to the forum but it doesnt work
Well it all sounds promising only i have a warr ps and condi and guard (i have a ele but never raided it with that one before)
But i see u guys dont use guard so i think u guys dont want me.
At this point i have a ps warr(power and condi) and a guard raid ready and experience with them even tho most experience with my warr.i have 219 LI at this point (started pretty late with raiding)
Hey.even tho u havent cleared wing 2 and 3 u did had kills in it? Or u tried but didnt kill?and what classes u still looking for?
The guild sounds great exept the 100% rep cause im an officer in another guild and i need to rep there to bad we cant figure something out
Hello i have 2 questions
First off regarding repping whats ur rule.
And second off at this point i only have a warror power and condi that has experience with raids.
For the other classes im still learning.
Still recruiting still need a chrono tank and a druid
Thanks for the quick question cause im not in game now,does the guild have a forum or website or something?
Yea i have a about the rep?
Hey.when your online send me an in game mail.i had a similiar situation like you.currently sitting at 211LI maybe we can team up and start a like minded group.clearing all 3 wings but with fun and if we wipe that nobody gets all battkitten crazy.
Even tho i also asked greyknight to inv me to his guild so i can find more people there and also train other people
Ok thanks.i think everyone has commitments today.
Cool.can u send me an mail in game.i would love to join but not home at the moment.and im also an exp raider
Currently have 211 LI
(edited by cyprien.8239)
U say it’s a training guild.but i assume there are also experienced raiders that are doing weekly clears and then help others?
We are a group of dutch raiders and we are looking to expand our group.
Our requirments are pretty simple
*multclass prefered
*the proper gear
*class knowledge
*ts3 (mic not requiered)
*and offcourse speak the dutch language
U can send a mail to
Anthony.7316 or cyprien.8239
Heya u guys also do raids?
Hello all.
I’m looking for a new static raid group or a dedicated raid guild. My previous group disbanded.
I have experience in all 3 wings (cleared them all several times) and have currently 209 LI.
At this point i only have Raid experience with ps warr.(almost have my condi gear complete) and i have a full asc guard and ele. I am willing to adjust and create other characters.
Leave me a message here or hit me up in game cyprien.8239
will there be separated ranks for inviting people and kicking people?
that would be awesome
because there are a lot of people i trust in inviting people . but don’t have the right judgement if something bad happens to kick someone . so please separate if possibleif not please tell us why!!
that would be very usefull if it happens.
so no troll can whipe an entire guild